My remarks at the Democratic National Convention

Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Action Voices
3 min readJul 27, 2016

Tonight — the same night that the Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton for President of the United States — I had the honor of speaking at the Democratic National Convention, representing the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Here’s what I said:

Planned Parenthood was founded 100 years ago to give women the care they need to live their lives and chase their dreams — no limits, no ceilings.

A century later, an enormous ceiling is coming down.

This isn’t just about electing the first woman president — it’s about electing this woman president.

Each year, millions of women, men, and young people trust Planned Parenthood. And the Planned Parenthood Action Fund trusts Hillary Clinton.

As First Lady, Hillary declared to the world that women’s rights are human rights.

She worked with Republicans and Democrats to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program — which now covers 8 million kids.

As Secretary of State, she was a champion for women and girls around the globe.

And she will always stand up for the right of every woman to access a full range of reproductive health care, including abortion — no matter her economic status.

Over the last year, Hillary has traveled across our country.

Listening to young activists working to end campus sexual assault.

To fathers who want their daughters to be paid equal to their sons.

To parents who need paid family leave and affordable child care.

She has made their fights her own.

And she has chosen as her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, a man who has been a champion for women and families his entire lifetime.

Hillary has always been in Planned Parenthood’s corner. Because she knows women deserve someone in theirs.

Women like Dayna Ferris Fisher — a mom in Dallas who was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago.

Today, Dayna is cancer-free. She says she couldn’t have done it without Vivian, the Planned Parenthood clinician who stuck with her all the way through treatment.

When Donald Trump and Mike Pence say they’ll defund Planned Parenthood –they’re talking about cutting women like Dayna off from lifesaving care.

Make no mistake: Women’s health and rights are on the line and on the ballot in this election.

Now you may have heard that just last month, the Supreme Court ruled that the Texas laws that forced abortion providers to close their doors are dangerous and unconstitutional.

But the fight’s not over. Donald Trump has pledged to appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and undo decades of progress.

His policies aren’t just frightening –they’re rooted in a disturbing worldview.

Donald Trump has called women “fat pigs” and “dogs.”

He wants to punish women for having abortions.

And he says pregnancy is, quote, an “inconvenience” for a woman’s employer.

Well — Mr. Trump, come this November, women are going to be more than an inconvenience. Because women are going to be the reason you aren’t elected to be President.

When my great grandmother was growing up, women couldn’t vote under Texas law.

Two generations later, her granddaughter, Ann Richards, was elected governor.

Tonight, we are closer than ever to putting a woman in the White House. And I can almost hear mom saying — “Well it sure took y’all long enough.”

So what do you say?

Are you ready to make history?

Let’s go win an election.



Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Action Voices

Runner, baker, traveler, Co-Chair of American Bridge 21st Century, former president of Planned Parenthood.