Indonesia Pusaka

Yudhistira Azhary
Naladhipa Narasanjaya


Indonesia tanah air beta..

As the largest archipelagic country in the world, while in the same time located in the Equator, give Indonesia the perfect condition to bred million types of life, making it the country with the second largest biodiversity in the world, only lagging behind Brazil.

Unfortunately, Indonesia is also the largest deforester in the world, with a whopping 0,7% amount of its forest being cut down every year in the last half decade.

Pusaka abadi nan jaya..

As usual for an archipelagic island, it is composed from several types of continental landmasses, which in this case is the Asian and Australasian landmass. With that combination, it manages to house a lot of types of fauna that usually doesn’t belong together, like the elephant in Sumatra and the kangaroo in Papua.

Indonesia sejak dulu kala..

Besides housing numerous life from around the world, it also house countless endemic life, making it the second largest in the world, only behind Australia. Three separate species of tiger in three different islands, birds, monkey, and many other animals in there.

The 80.000 kilometers of its coastline also help to develop its ecosystem, with forest covering more than 60% of its landmass.

Tetap di puja-puja bangsa..

However, because of the negligence of the government, there are a lot of animals have gone extinct. From the three species of tiger, only the Sumatran tiger remain. And there is less than a thousand of them remaining in the world today.

Blinded with their more than 90 million hectares of forest, they destroy their trees to make room for their advantage. Without realizing it, they manage to make Indonesia the largest deforester in the world, with 0.7% rate of deforestation every year in the last five years.
Di sana tempat lahir beta..

The government have made numerous attempt to cut the environmental destroying that has been plaguing this country. From REDD+, a joint operation between the government and United Nation to cut the amount of deforestation in the world.

Dibuai dibesarkan bunda..

As a planner, we should be able to protect our environment by stricter environmental policies, and tightening the watch. Making sure that our project doesn’t destroy the nature unnecessarily, and instead accentuate it.

Tempat berlindung di hari tua..

To be able to see our childen to inhale the air of the seas, to see the world from the peak of mountain, to go back to it in the end.

Tempat akhir menutup mata..

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” — Wendell Berry

Yudhistira Harits Azhary


Teknik Planologi ITB 2015


