Plant-Based vs. Animal protein: the debate that endures

Rachel Zorn Kindermann
Plant Based Paradise
6 min readFeb 23, 2024


An all too common concern among those contemplating a plant-based diet is whether they’ll consume the necessary amount of protein to be healthy. It’s not a silly concern. Protein, that all-important factor in a healthy diet, is arguably the single most crucial thing to consume. Our bodies can’t function without it, and the consequences for not eating enough can be severe.

But it’s also true that not all proteins are equal. We’ve long surpassed the falsehood that the only protein worth consuming is animal protein. Plant protein does exist and it is beneficial to consume. But the debate over which protein is better for us lingers largely because animal proteins offer things that plants don’t and vice versa.

To begin, it may be helpful to understand what protein is. By way of a simple definition, protein is compiled of strings of amino acids. There are twenty amino acids in total carrying out a wide array of functions throughout the body. The means by which they do this is fascinating and better explained by someone with a medical degree. But for a general overview, amino acids do a number of jobs in our bodies we don’t appreciate. These include breaking down food, making hormones and brain chemicals, providing energy, building muscle, boosting our immune systems, and maintaining a proper digestive system, among other things.

