5 Vegan Vegetable Recipes from the Past to Refresh Your Weeknight Menu

Danielle Herring
Plant Based Past
Published in
7 min readFeb 29, 2024


A colorful advertisement of ARLINGTON VEGETABLES for Rawson’s Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Crosby’s Egyptian beets, Danver’s yellow globe onion, Arlington summer crookneck squash, Rawson Clipper peas, Rawson’s White Spine cucumber, Rawson’s Scarlet globe radish, Danver’s Improved carrot, Crosby’s Extra Early corn on the cob, Rawson’s Seafoam cauliflower, and Black Seed Tennis Ball cabbage.
Rawson’s Vegetable and Flower Seeds Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

Whole foods plant based eating isn’t new, and before the advent of highly processed vegan analogue products and junk food, it was the only approach to a plant based diet for 19th and early 20th century vegetarians and vegans. These recipes combine vegetables with nuts or legumes, creating fiber and protein packed main courses suitable for whole food plant based eating. If you’re interested in adding more plants to your diet, or want to change up your dinner routine, check out these five vegan vegetable recipes from history.

An illustration in color of kohlrabi.
Kohlrabi by Adolphe Millot Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

#1 Vegetable Sandwich Filling

Kohlrabi is one of the additions suggested in creating this veggie-packed sandwich filling, perfect for an easy lunch or a light weeknight meal. Developed from wild cabbage native to the English channel coast, the Spanish peninsula and other coastal regions of Europe. This alien-like vegetable has spread across many regions of the world, and as a result, can be found in diverse cuisines. Kohlrabi’s name is a compound of two German words — kohl, meaning cabbage and rabi, meaning turnip, denoting its turnip-like appearance and flavor as well as its cabbage family…



Danielle Herring
Plant Based Past

I write about the history of plants and plant-based diets, primarily focused on the U.S. and Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries.