Creamy tomatillo (or apple!) and jalapeno dressing or dip recipe (Oil free, vegan)

Jen 🎈
Published in
Oct 30, 2020

This tomatillo and jalapeno dressing, dip or spread recipe is incredibly easy and offers a unique flavor combination that goes well in your next bowl, burger, wrap, or salad. You can use tomatillos when they are in season (or out of your garden), or substitute apples or goldenberries and end up with a very similar result.

We absolutely love this spread in wraps and burgers β€” it adds a spicy hit along with a gorgeous refreshing note. It stands up well against other flavors, too. When I use this in a wrap I can still pick out all of the flavors in the sauce.

Find the recipe here!

Originally published at on October 30, 2020.



Jen 🎈

Jen. Web, illustration, improv, dogs, dance, nutrition. Plant Based.