Feature: Speed

Sean Ross-Ross
Plantiga Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019

Speed algorithm coming in hot!

It’s finally here — you can now use your Plantiga insoles to measure speed. Our newest algorithm captures maximum and average speed for running and walking activities and also shows the speed profile over the entirety of the activity. You can easily use the average and max metrics to see improvements in performance for training (is sprint speed increasing using a new program?) and rehabilitation (is walking speed improving after injury?). We think one of the coolest things about this new algorithm is the ability to look at acceleration and deceleration curves — how quickly people are able to get up to speed and then come to a stop can provide insight into explosive power and musculoskeletal stability. Another benefit is the ability to look in detail at pacing consistency over the course of longer running or walking activities without being limited to snapshots taken once a lap.

You’ll see a little Beta flag next to everything Speed right now since we’re still putting on the finishing touches. During the Beta release, speed can only be calculated for activities lasting less than ten minutes. Speed trends and summaries are now viewable for walk and run activities in DASHBOARD and DAILY, and you can click on the SPEED data view to see the activity profile, look at individual foot speeds, and calculate average speed for specific sections of an activity.

We’d love to hear how you plan to put speed to work.

