What Can Community Look Like For You?


Create your own beautiful community. “Make it beautiful by linking with like-minded people you meet in great safe spaces like Medium.” ~ Coach Donna Marie

Deya B. Interviewed on the Plant Your Seeds of Transformation live podcast, Season 4 Episode 5 with Coach Donna Marie
Deya B. Interviewed on the Plant Your Seeds of Transformation live podcast, Season 4 Episode 5 with Coach Donna Marie

I’ve been gradually finding a beautiful community of like-minded leaders here on Medium, and in other spaces like YouTube lives. I have been connecting with many women leaders from all over the world who are as passionate about their writing as I am, such as one of the top Medium writers named Deya B.

On Tuesday 8–22–23 at 10:30 am EST, I had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing Deya Bhattacharya on the Plant Your Seeds of Transformation live podcast. I invited her to be a podcast guest after hearing her speak during her Medium Day virtual conference session. During her session, Deya addressed alternative productivity wisdom that’s needed for people who may not be able to (or not want to) post a new article every day or several times a day, and who are still passionate about creating their own unique flow for their creative process. After hearing that, I knew she’d be a perfect guest for our podcast show.

During my podcast, I asked her to talk about how she views perfectionism and how it has impacted her. See this video short to hear part of her answer:

Or you can see or listen to the full episode on your favorite podcast app. Use the main website to see the show notes, including the journal prompts that were created to help you process our discussion about what it means to you to be a strong black or brown woman.

The podcast show website address is:



Because I am a trained and certified leadership coach, I would love to connect with you about how the journal prompts provided in the episode show notes help you. For instance, one of the journal prompts is:

  • How do you define strength within your own life, and what do you need so you can get stronger in your strengths?

There are several other journal prompts on the show notes page. I hope they’re helpful. And I hope you’ll reach out and give me feedback so that I’ll know how they help. Leave a comment here on Medium (or send an email on the show website).

As the host and producer of the show. I am committed to continuing to build my community and find topics to discuss and leaders to interview who have relevant insights that help you Plant Your Seeds of Transformation. No matter what life has thrown at you, never give up. Keep learning and growing. Keep being inspired by others with similar stories. Do not accept anyone else defining what strength is for you.

Thanks for reading, watching, and listening.

~ Coach Donna Marie


  • If you want to support my writing and/or my podcasting, consider donating. Use PlantYourSeeds.show/donation-form
  • If you want to join my community on Patreon and access the private podcast that digs a bit deeper on these topics, click here.



Coach Donna Marie Johnson

Podcast Host and Life Coach. Overcoming trauma as a black woman leader pursuing lofty goals. I support you to plant your seeds of transformation so you can too.