Unconferencing at the Opencast Summit in Vienna

Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2018

Oh boy, our first conference! Since we’re actively working on Opencast (which is an open-source project for managing video capturing and distribution — there’s a good chance your university or alma mater might be using it to capture lectures), we decided to participate in the international Opencast “summit”, which took place in February of 2018, in beautiful Vienna.

Surprisingly, all buildings in Vienna look like this!

We were pleasantly surprised by the balance of the talks — both developers and adopters got their fair share. Also, the Opencast community held true to their “unconference” nature. Many of the sessions weren’t about one person standing in front, explaining. There were open discussions, too, with lots of back and forth.

But there weren’t just interesting talks. There were also some great events in the evenings, containing good food, wine and lots of interesting conversations — not necessarily involving Opencast.

Kim and Philipp both had talks of their own, involving metrics and the Java 8 adoption. You can see a list of all the talks here.

All in all, we had a great time, and see you at the next summit!

