4 Tips For Getting People To Really Like Your Brand

Tomide Adeyeye
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2018

Concepts like Brand Afinity and customer loyalty are someworth overflogged issues in marketing, be it traditional or digital marketing.

The term is often defined with a lot of big marketing words like metric, market segmentation and consumer behavior. But in simple terms, Brand affinity is how you make your customers like you and become more loyal to your products, making them more likely to remain your customers and recommend your services to others.

Now away from all the boring stuff to why we’re here. You can get your customers (both new and returning) to absolutlely love you if you do these 4 things.

1. Have A Purpose And Always Communicate It

You probably started your business to make money, but beneath all that profit and revenue talk, what’s the purpose of your business, what problem are you trying to solve what do you believe in. This does not have to be “overly deep” it just has to relatable and believable to your audience/market.

Craft a one liner that emboides the purpose of your business and find subtle but notable ways to add it your branding.

If you have people already using your products and services, the chances are that in some way you share the same values, but they’ll never really fall in love with your brand till they know your values and relate to it. Hence, communicating your values is extremely key.

2. Everoyone Can’t Like You, Choose your Battles.

Ever heard that saying — if you want everyone to like you, don’t attempt to achieve anything great but be an ice cream truck driver?.

While that phrase is a tad bit disrespectful to ice cream drivers all over the world, the overall theme does make some sense.

Very early on when you’re figuring out what kind of brand to be, you must realise that not everybody will like you and your brand is not for everyone. If people can hate apple (the brand not the fruit) what chances do you have of being loved by all.

So the key thing here is KNOW YOUR MARKET, understand where to find them, speak their language and engage in their culture. Beer brands understand this trick and are perfect examples of impressing their targetted audience. You must think like your target audience, act like them and mimic thier behaviours. When you do this, they not only notice you , they begin to like you.

3. Offer Class Customer Service

The term customer service has become largely generic and the thought that comes to your mind when you hear customer services isn’t particularly one of excitement, But what if?

What if customer service was not just a generic bore but an exciting engagement between brand and customer. You can achieve this by always personalising all communication, tweaking your boring automated call response to something more exciting and establishing connection with your customers even when you’re not trying to sell or handle a complaint.

The trick is, if you make small amount of people love the way you do business, they will go out and tell others and your word will spread.

4. Social Media To The Rescue

Pretty much everything listed above can be achieved much easily with the proper use of social media.While social media isn’t responsible for the entirety of your brand affinity strategy, it is a very useful tool to bring your ideas and strategies to live.

The internet is home to billions of users and a lot of times social media offers an inexpensive platform to curate your target audience, communicate your values, and create stellar customer service relationship, all from the comfort of your desk. If you aren’t already seriously using social media in helping to grow your business, then you’re doing yourself and your business a great disservice.

So that’s about it, here are tips for turning your company from a “a couple of guys doing stuff” to a “brand”. Remember we have a lot of companies in the world but we have a lot fewer brands. Company’s come and grow but brands stay forever.

For more tips on social media, online marketing and public relations see our social media pages.

