Plasma.Finance |A Year of Accomplishment and Looking Ahead

We are approaching the end of what has indeed been a special year for PlasmaFinance as we made great strides towards our vision of “DeFi for all”. Looking back, we can say how proud we are of the accomplishments that couldn’t have been possible without the backing of our solid and eager community that continues to spread through every corner of the globe.

Today, anyone with an internet connection can go on to the PlasmaFinance all-in-one dashboard with fiat on-ramp to access a myriad of DeFi opportunities:

  • The most complete and modern DeFi Portfolio Management that gives you a simple way to manage your token portfolio of different wallets in one place, supporting all major chains and protocols including Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, xDai, Fantom, OKEX Chain (OEC), Huobi Chain (HECO), Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, Celo, Moonriver, Chain (Cronos), Boba Chain, and more.
  • Market and token pages based on our verified token list, aggregating all the data from decentralized sources so you can track asset performance on supported chains in real-time.
  • Full multichain capabilities with our infinity HyperDEX liquidity aggregator, which supports and aggregates liquidity from over 30 DEXs on Ethereum, Polygon and BSC at the best rates, lowest fees from one place.
  • Professional-grade trading tools like real-time charting and on-chain Limit Orders that keep your assets in your wallet, fully liquid and free for you to use at any time for other transactions while Limit Orders are not fulfilled.
  • Real-time performance and direct access to Liquidity Pools and Savings, ensuring you get the best APY possible, with native support for Yearn Finance protocols of v1 and v2 as well as staking pools natively on PlasmaSwap.
  • Launchpad page that aggregates all on-chain information available on all Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) on major launchpads, including total funds raised, performance, and current ROI.
  • SpacePort IDO, which includes the SpacePort Incubator that assists unique projects from pre-launch to the actual IDO event and post-IDO, as well as IDOs with Plasma support that leverages our global marketing network to help projects build strong communities running up to their IDO.

Looking ahead to 2022

The building never stops for PlasmaFinance, and we plan to develop even bigger and better features to improve what was already an epic year for us!

First on the agenda will be further development on the much-anticipated Plasma Gas Station protocol that will allow users to make gas payments for transactions on Ethereum with any ERC20 tokens. This is one of the most desired innovations in DeFi that even Ethereum itself has noted. We foresee this step to help the overall goal of “DeFi for the masses” while ensuring the onward adoption of Plasma Protocols.

All of this continues on our development roadmap as we continue to roll out HyperLoop Bridge and other stealth protocols — we promise you will not be disappointed!

🔥 Try HyperDEX:

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🚀 SpacePort IDO Launchpad:

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Substack | Launchpad Alliance

