Plasma.Finance Portfolio v2.0: 500+ Protocols on 12 Chains and NFT Deep Dive!

Plasma.Finance presents: Portfolio v2.0, upping the ante in the quest to provide the most complete, advanced, yet simple-to-use DeFi portfolio management solution.

Plasma.Finance is the all-in-one DeFi platform, aggregating all the features and protocols in decentralized finance in a single, intuitive dashboard to give the easiest and most efficient access catering to the needs of all types of users, from the crypto newcomer to advanced traders, to institutional investors.

Why Portfolio v2.0?

As the significance of Web3 becomes more apparent, decentralized finance or DeFi has emerged as the potent frontrunner of collectively owned and decentralized software and programs online. Beyond transforming money and finance, DeFi has also shown us how creators can form organizations to create and share value on the Internet, proving that Web3 can act as a gateway for new economic ideas and the path forward for Internet architecture that is distributed and diverse.

The numbers provide evidence of mass adoption, proving that the Web3 idea is not only viable but growing in popularity, with over 3.4 million unique wallets interacting with DeFi on Ethereum alone in just a few years (image credit Dune Analytics).

Plasma.Finance recognizes, however, that the Web3 still needs time to mature, and an entire view of all available paths can be difficult to achieve, with many new roads opening up each day. DeFi is the prime example, constantly growing, constantly branching off, making it difficult for newcomers and current users to keep a bird’s eye view on their own interactions with the different multiple DeFi platforms.

As a result, the average DeFi user has multiple wallets on multiple platforms on multiple networks, each of them requiring separate management with no way to simultaneously look up on-chain data across multiple blockchains.

But now, with Portfolio v2.0, Plasma.Finance users can instantly track all of their assets on 12 major chains using real-time on-chain data you can trust, using only MetaMask or any other Web3 wallet.

There are various ways you can view your DeFi portfolio. You can view by Chain, calculating all your assets and current value separately, blockchain by blockchain.

You can also choose to view Assets, hiding any of the assets to exclude them from being calculated in the general portfolio.

Choosing to view by Protocol or by Category gives you a detailed breakdown of data and information on each of the DeFi protocols you are currently participating in. Whether you are providing liquidity on AMMs, borrowing assets, yield farming, or staking tokens, you will be able to view the underlying assets in each protocol, their current value, and even the real-time ROI achieved. No other place gives you an easy way to view and manage over 500 protocols as we do.

With Portfolio v2.0, it has never been easier nor more accurate for you to track your entire portfolio in the ever-expanding DeFiverse. All at once. All in real-time.

The NFT portfolio by Plasma.Finance

You can’t have been in DeFi without hearing about the intense uptake of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their growing association with the metaverse, particularly in social network and gaming projects on blockchain. People flock to NFTs because, for the first time, there is way to verify ownership of the virtual products on the games or networks they use.

The global NFT phenomenon is such that this year, NFT trading hit $22 billion in volume (DappRadar data) with NFT marketplace Opensea alone raking in over half of that value. Only 2 years ago, NFT trading was just about $100 million.

Beginning with stablecoins, to the DeFiverse of collateralized lending and borrowing protocols, and now to NFTs in social networks, the Web3 ecosystem keeps proving that there are new models for internet-native communities like us to work together.

But, just like in DeFi on Web3, NFT markets are fragmented, with many projects operating in their own segments, siloed off in different networks or layers, making it extremely difficult for the layperson to track and get actual analytics for their NFTS.

Enter the Plasma.Finance NFT Portfolio!

Recognizing the expanding world on Web3 and the need for DeFi users to also track the hottest sector in crypto, Plasma.Finance adds yet another pivot, presenting to you a powerful NFT portfolio tracker never before attempted in the industry!

For now, the first version supports the Ethereum network but will later incorporate Polygon and others.

One the main NFT page you will be able to see your NFTs with the last price recorded as well as total value. You can analyze them individually in the table view with more information or switch to Collections and observe aggregated data by collections.

The NFT tracks two important pieces of information: the metadata of the current NFT and that of the entire collection, making it easy for you to identify the trend or theme of your holdings.

Simply click the “Add to MetaMask” button to easily add this NFT to your MetaMask wallet.

Want an easy way to show off your entire NFT collections from one place? Share the page with your friends on social media from the same page.

As NFTs and the metaverse fight for their rightful place in crypto, as parallel Web3 growth sectors to DeFi, Plasma.Finance continues to listen to our community, always building and always providing solutions that are relevant.

Just as we built tools that make it easier for you to access DeFi, we hope to make useful tools for you to interact with NFTs in the future.

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