Sustainable Shrimp & Biodegradable Plastics

Gun Gun Febrianza
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2024

In an era where sustainability and technology merge to address the pressing challenges of food security and environmental conservation, our family business is pioneering sustainable shrimps, leveraging a blend of cutting-edge scientific domains.

In an era where sustainability and technology merge to address the pressing challenges of food security and environmental conservation, our family business is pioneering sustainable shrimps, leveraging a blend of cutting-edge scientific domains.

Here our sustainable shrimp, at the forefront of innovation, utilizes nanotechnology, the Internet of Things (IoT), biotechnology, ecology, and microbiology to revolutionize the cultivation and export of Litopenaeus vannamei, commonly known as the Pacific white shrimp, while ingeniously transforming waste into wealth.

At the heart of this venture is the sustainable cultivation of shrimps, an endeavor that seamlessly integrates nanotechnology and IoT to optimize the aquatic environment, ensuring pristine water quality and ideal living conditions for the shrimps. Nanosensors continuously monitor the water, detecting minute changes in parameters such as temperature, pH, and salinity, which are critical to the shrimps’ well-being. This real-time data, transmitted through the IoT network, enables precise adjustments to the habitat, promoting robust growth and significantly reducing the incidence of diseases.

Biotechnology and microbiology play crucial roles in enhancing the shrimps’ resilience and growth rate. Our team has developed strains that are not only faster growing and more resistant to common diseases but also have a reduced environmental impact. Furthermore, the introduction of beneficial microbes into the aquatic ecosystem contributes to a balanced environment, facilitating the natural breakdown of waste products and reducing the reliance on chemical treatments.

Ecological principles guide every facet of the operation, ensuring the cultivation process is harmonious with the surrounding environment. Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond the cultivation process; it embraces a zero-waste philosophy, transforming shrimp skin waste, which is rich in chitin, into biodegradable plastics.

The transformation of shrimp skin waste into biodegradable plastics exemplifies the company’s innovative spirit & its dedication to sustainability. With biotechnology, the chitin from shrimp skins is converted into chitosan, a biopolymer that serves as the base material for producing biodegradable plastics. These plastics, capable of decomposing in natural environments without leaving harmful residues, represent a significant step forward in the fight against plastic pollution.

The culmination of these technologies & principles is a way to become a leader in the global seafood industry, offering sustainably produced shrimps to markets around the world. Exporting these shrimps not only meets the growing demand for sustainable seafood but also sets a new standard for environmental responsibility in aquaculture.

Paving the way for a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand.



Gun Gun Febrianza

Futurist | Computer & Climate Scientist | Economic Libertarian