New Features in Ruby 2.5 (with examples)

Arieh Smith
Plated Engineering & Data Science
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Photo by ALP STUDIO on Unsplash

Ruby 2.5 is here! We here at Plated like to stay on top of things but unfortunately found the official new feature documentation a little lacking. That’s too bad, because there’s a ton of good stuff in this release. So let’s do a dive into some sweet new features, shall we?

rescue/else/ensure are now allowed to be used directly with do/end blocks

This is huge. One of my biggest pet peeves with Ruby for the longest time is that without a begin, rescue only operates on the method or class level, e.g., you can write:

def bad_method
puts "hi"
raise "this is bad"
puts "will I get run?"
puts "exception caught"

Now, however, rescue/else/ensure work on do…end blocks! So you can do things like:

def method
[1,2,3].each do |num|
num.odd? ? puts "success" : raise "problem"
puts "no problem!"

And “no problem” will be outputted thrice.


You can call yield_self on any object, pass in the object to a block, and yield the result of the block (unlike tap, which yields the original object). Hence:

3.yield_self { |num| num * 2 } # 6

Use cases might seem few and far between, but it does let you eliminate local variables if you favor a more functional and concise style of programming. Ergo, one could return an array after applying a transformation only if the array meets certain critera:

[1,2,3,4].select(&:even?).yield_self { |arr| arr if arr == [2, 4] }


arr = [1,2,3,4].select(&:even?)
arr if arr == [2, 4]


Finally a counterpart for Hash#transform_values! You can now do:

{1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three"}.transform_keys { |k| k * 2 }

And get

{2=>"one", 4=>"two", 6=>"three"}


This already exists in Rails, but now it’s in Ruby too. Extracts key and value pairs from a hash. Can come in handy:

hash = {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
hash.slice(1, 3) # {1=>2, 3=>4}

Enumerable#any?, all?, none?, and one? accept a pattern argument

This can be useful in some cases, such as testing whether every instance of an array is a number:

[1,2,3].all?(Numeric) # true

It’s particularly nice with regexes:

["hey", "ho"].all?(/hey/) # false can create classes that accept keyword arguments

Passing in keyword_init: true to now makes it accept keyword arguments. I personally don’t run into too many cases where I need to create one-off classes, but it can come in handy occasionally.

Before:,:y, :color).new(1, 2, "red")

After:,:y, :color, keyword_init: true).new(x: 1, y: 2, color: "red")

Thanks for reading everyone! Check out our Careers page if you’re interested in using your Ruby to build amazing software at Plated!

