ZOOKiZ Stickers Go Global on WhatsApp

mojitok’s zany, fun ZOOKiZ characters are officially “globalized”

Chris Wu
3 min readNov 29, 2021


Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Ronald McDonald…names known the world round. Who could be next…perhaps, BONGBONG?

You’d be forgiven if the names BONGBONG, KIKI, or NANA are unfamiliar to you — however, if you are a WhatsApp user, you may unknowingly already be familiar with these fun and colorful characters. That’s because they are characters from ZOOKiZ — the stars of the newly released ZOOKiZ sticker pack at the top of the downloadable stickers list on WhatsApp.

Add the new ZOOKiZ pack on WhatsApp today

But who exactly are the characters from ZOOKiZ ? Put simply, ZOOKiZ is a group of zany, zoo animals — who are as expressive as they are fun. With each character having their own story and personality, there is a lovable ZOOKiZ character out there for everyone to relate with and enjoy.

And now, with the launch of this new pack from mojitok on WhatsApp, not even national boundaries or language will get in the way of ZOOKiZ characters finding their way into hearts around the world. For this release, while there is a global version of this sticker pack — there are also 5 localized versions of the same pack that are shown instead of the global version, depending on the region and language settings of the user.

Who couldn’t love these guys?

Additionally, each pack has been localized by not only adapting language in text, but also taking into account local culture and customs — appealing more directly to each user.

As a visual form of communication, stickers and emojis are nearly universal — but by respecting regional culture and adding a bit of that flair into stickers, mojitok is helping create even stronger emotional ties and bonds between sticker characters — and their users.

See you on WhatsApp!

PPUYO may currently be saying “Bye”, “Adiós”, or “Tchau” — but in the future, you can expect even more localized sticker packs from ZOOKiZ and mojitok. But for now — go download and check out the newest ZOOKiZ pack by mojitok on WhatsApp!


Developed by Platfarm Inc. in South Korea, mojitok is the ultimate sticker solution for all communication platforms. Preloaded on Samsung smartphones and Google’s official content partner, mojitok transforms digital communication through 200,000+ GIF stickers and advanced AI technology. We hope to connect our 300 million users around the world emotionally through the universal visual language of stickers.

