Desk 1, Week 1 of Startup Central

Christine Mohan
Platform Agnostic
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2011

Never made it past the kitchen table on week 1. Such aspirations to set up my office (in the basement). But was too busy churning out 3 proposals.

Room with a view.

I quickly learned that new biz development and waitressing are alike: if you get seated all at the same time, you’re in the weeds. Better to space out the new customers a bit…

Bit of a tangent, but I still have waitressing nightmares. The 10+ years of waiting tables & hostessing & barbacking in Hanover and Worcester MA, Block Island RI, Georgetown DC (yay Old Glory, still going strong), Topsail Island NC and a short-lived gig on Newbury Street) clearly left a mark. Dream is #1 of 2: I turn the corner to see my empty section fully seated. Or I realize the table that’s been sitting there quite awhile is my table, not another person’s. And they are *not* happy. (This actually happened to me once, but a lot of hustling and smiling — and probably a comp drink — turned the mood around).

These are right up there Dream #2: I walk into a final without having taken the class all semester. (My Dad still has these too.) Or — the JHS version — I can’t remember my schedule (which at Norwell Junior High was this overly complex 6-day system to cram in all the classes) or my locker combination.

Guess this post, and all these memories & dreams, are about transitions. Going solo just one of many. Good to keep perspective.



Christine Mohan
Platform Agnostic

KILT Protocol in Berlin. Priors: Web3 Foundation & Polkadot in Zurich; @Civil Media in Brooklyn; digital ops & PR for the NYT, WSJ and startups.