Contribute to the publication

Instructions for submitting an article to the Platform Engineering publication

Al-Waleed Shihadeh
Platform Engineering
1 min readJan 18, 2020


Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

We’re always looking for interesting content or uses cases that can other engineers to improve their skills and widen their knowledge.

Acceptable Criteria

  • The submitted article is compliant with our style guide.
  • NO plagiarism.
  • The article topic can be classified as one of the blew items

→ Product or tool review

→ Tutorial for doing interesting things such as improving software performance, building CI/CD pipelines, and deploying interesting tools.

→ Software development topics such as release management cycle.

→ DevOps and Infrastructure topics and services.

How to Submit an article

Once your article is ready and you would like to submit it to the publication, you should fill this form.

We look forward to your submissions!

