11 things behind Halal slaughtering in the UK

Platform Siswa Islam Malaysia UK
5 min readSep 8, 2018

Alhamdulillah Halal Food Authority (HFA) has assiduously been serving the Muslim community nationally and internationally to validate the status of meat, poultry and foodstuffs for the last 16 years. Following are the questions that are frequently posed in connection with accreditation and authentication. HFA logo, Insha Allah would only be depicted on products that have been checked and audited contractually.

Photo by Israel Egío on Unsplash

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q 1. Does Halal Food Authority have Muslim Slaughterman/men performing slaughter?
A. Licensed Muslim Slaughterman/men are present at the slaughtering stations, doing the rendition of Shahada/Tasmiya (Bismillah-e-Allahu-Akbar) even in mechanised plants.

Q 2. Does Halal Food Authority approve slaughterhouses that have a fixed-blade for slaughtering or the one that is blessed once in the morning or at the start of production?
A. With Muslim slaughter man/men present at the slaughtering station, HFA would not approve of any such act of blessing the blade. Muslim slaughter man/men at the slaughtering station would be, as a rule, reciting Shahadah all the time when each and every individual bird/animal is under the blade. Blades are not blessed and pre-recorded tapes are not played-slaughterman/men continuously do the rendition and recitation of Shahadah for the total duration of slaughtering operation.

Q 3. Does Halal Food Authority allow stunning of birds and animals?
A. Yes, however, one has to be reminded that HFA has always maintained “no stunning to kill”.

  1. Captive Bolt Stunning — proscribed — prohibited
  2. Percussion Stunning — proscribed — prohibited (although above procedures for cattle are allowed by some Ulema’s in Africa & Germany)
  3. Gas Stunning — proscribed — prohibited (although Turkish Ulema’s have approved this method for pre-slaughtering of chicken)
  4. Halal Food Authority allows controlled electric stun-with-minuscule amperage, where the Official Veterinary Surgeon validates that animals or birds do not die prior to slaughtering.
  5. There are two types of electric stunning
  6. Stun to Kill
  7. Stun to Immobilize only (and not to kill)

Halal Food Authority only allows and approves of “Stun to Immobilize” method. It is used in the following two forms:

  1. Water — bath Stun — for Poultry
  2. Electric Tong Stun — for Ovine meat

Q 4. Does HFA approve/allow slaughtering whilst Shahadah is played on a tape recorder in the back ground or blessed blades?
A. The answer is emphatically ‘no’. This is why even in completely automated plants HFA always has licensed Muslim slaughterman/men to do rendition of Shahadah in person every time an animal or bird is under the blade. HFA would never allow blessed blades in any form or manner.

Q 5. Does HFA allow any one of other faiths to do halal slaughtering in Halal Food Authority approved slaughterhouse/s?
A. The answer is No — although the Book of Fiqh and Fatawa’s permits non-Muslims to do halal slaughtering. HFA believes that their Ni’yat — Intention for rendition of Shahadah would not be the same as of a Muslim. Halal Food Authority in fact insists that Muslim slaughterman/men in slaughter houses should be trained and licensed by the Meat Hygiene Services. HFA approved slaughterhouses must
always have, even in automated plants, Muslim slaughterman/men.

Q 6. How does Halal Food Authority approve Muslim slaughterman/men? Does HFA licence them? Does HFA employ slaughterman/men?
A. HFA approves and validates on declaration by

  • The applicants should be performing Muslims. Believers in Eimaan, Salat, Saum, Zakat and Hajj. Additionally that they believe Mohammed (SAW) to be the last prophet.
  • Successful candidates are licensed by the Meat Hygiene Services, York, through the Official Veterinary Surgeon or his/her representatives.
  • HFA does not employ slaughterman/men, However, they are responsible to HFA and are deployed to be HFA eyes and ears — the resident inspectors for HFA.

Q 7. Do HFA rules require slaughtering facing Qibla?
A. Yes, notwithstanding that slaughter houses in the UK had been constructed on orientation of light etc. HFA would surely insist for future constructions to be Islamically inclined to observe this edict Insha Allah.

Q 8. Does animal/bird hear the Shahadah or Tasmiyah recited by the slaughterman/men at slaughtering station?
A. Books of Fatawa’s do not make it mandatory. One should be mindful that the decibels in modern plant are so high that at times even the slaughterman has to wear the earplugs. Ni’at or intention of slaughterer to slaughter in the name of Allah is compulsory and necessary — after all we are borrowing one from His flocks for our sustaining, consumption & nourishment. Allah says in Qur’an:

Surah Al-’An`am (6:118) :

So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses.

Surah Al-’An`am (6:119) :

And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled. And indeed do many lead [others] astray through their [own] inclinations without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord — He is most knowing of the transgressors.

And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience. And indeed do the devils inspire their allies [among men] to dispute with you. And if you were to obey them, indeed, you would be associators [of others with Him].

May Allah give us hidayat to seek, procure and consume halal always — Insha Allah.

Q 9. How do we know HFA symbol on packaging is depicting validity of halal and why?
A. HFA, Alhamdulillah has devised a system of monitoring, endorsing and authenticating meat, poultry and foodstuffs that would always be contractually procured with Islamic axioms and full regards to EU relevant regulations of meat hygiene, food hygiene, food safety and environmental health. There are series of audits commissioned during the course of the year of membership. In this technologically advanced era, HFA audit personnel would also make certain by perusing the computerised data that the operation of the procurer adheres to the covenants of the agreement. HFA is proud of its transparency, openness, traceability, conformance of Islamic & relevant EU rules and orthodoxy of criteria and axioms of performance in relation to accreditation and endorsement. It would be too conceited to ascribe that HFA logo now is manifest symbol of authenticity nationally and internationally.

Q10. Does Halal Food Authority (HFA) London certify the halal KFC outlets?
A. Yes, Alhamdulillah Halal Food Authority works with KFC to ensure that all its halal outlets are supplied with only halal approved poultry including all other food items. It is a pleasure for HFA to cherish and rejoice with the Muslim community that for the first time in European history corporate restaurants such as KFC are serving halal only recipes and these approved stores are completely ‘PORK FREE’. All products and ingredients served in the halal approved KFC outlets have been rigorously checked and authenticated for halal status in compliance for halal axioms and ethos.

Q 11. Does Halal Food Authority, (HFA) London certify Nando’s?
A. No. Halal Food Authority does not work with Nando’s.

