President of PRISM Official Statement On Gaza & MH17 Issues

Platform Siswa Islam Malaysia UK
3 min readSep 8, 2018
“right airplane wing over white clouds during daytime” by Eric Karim Cornelis on Unsplash


Assalamualaikum wbt.,

Beloved brothers and sisters,
May Allah bless you always.

As we all aware of, there are several calamities being tested upon all of us, either directly or indirectly.

Please let me remind all of us, not all, but some of the calamities. It comes without saying, first and foremost, the conflict that right now at this moment, still happening, hitting our brothers and sisters in Gaza or I’d rather mention them as Palestinian. Let me remind us, while we’re on our bed reading all the posts regarding Gaza, while we’re eating and sleeping comfortably, while we’re working and studying like a normal youth should, while we’ve plenty and variety of food to eat, money to spend, time for a nice and luxury vacation with friends and families, our brothers and sisters in Gaza are being massacred every second without discriminant by the zionist (Allah’s curses upon them!). The cowardly zionist (A.C.U.T.) had being rocketing and bombing the innocent children with no tolerance of the age, the women and the old people. Not to mention other evil doings they had did towards our brothers and sisters since the beginning of time, these Jews refugees invaded Palestine. Allah knows best.

Let me also remind all of us the recently incident that inflicted quite directly upon us, Malaysian, which regarding the crash of MH17 that was attacked by terrorist militant killed 298 passengers and crews therefore. I believe, this occurrence is so close to be felt by most of us, the students studying in the UK. We’ve been using the same air route for this whole time, our parent and family also friends that came to visit us were using the same route too. It could be any of us, any of our family members or any of our close friends that, but due to Allah’s mercy, we’re kept from such ordeal. However, a deepest condolence I wish for those who’ve any relation with the victims in the crashed plane. I believe, the whole country and the rest of the world share at least a piece of the same feeling that you’re feeling at the moment. Allah knows best.

I could prolong this statement by mentioned what misfortune are happening to our brothers and sisters in Syria, Myammar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Africa, Somalia, Kenya and many more. Personally, I feel that Malaysia is also now being tested with so many ordeals beside of MH17 incident. Kidnapping is getting popular, stealing/theft and robbery occurs daily, rape and murder is not so rare anymore in the news, not to mention the downfall of akhlak and aqidah of some of our brothers and sisters in Malaysia. Allah knows best.

I stop here for us to ponder. May Allah give us strength to act, to help improve this ummah even in a slightest effort. Let’s do what ever we can do withing our capability, give charity, read and share more about Palestine, make prayers to Allah for the Ummah, improve our selves, our families and friends. Let’s strive to improve the unification among us, deliver salaam to our brothers and sisters whenever we pass each other, smile and have mercy and love upon each others. Allah knows best.

Let us take five minutes from now, and use it concentrating in making istighfar, reflect upon what we’ve done till now, admit our weaknesses and turn back to our fitrah, Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Allah knows best.

InshaAllah, PRISM will take part as a platform for anyone to give charity for our brothers and sisters who’re in need (will be informed more later). PRISM is opened for any ideas from anyone to help improve this Ummah. Any videos, posts, posters, photos and anything, are warmly welcomed to contribute in this 2-cent page.

Again, do what ever we can.

“It’s not the amount that matters, it’s the value which matters.”

Thank you and peace be upon all of you.



PRISM 2014/2015

