Music Metrics Vault Debuts with Focus on Spotify Analytics

Platform & Stream
Platform & Stream
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2023

Music Metrics Vault was born out of a simple but ambitious idea — to offer a more comprehensive, user-friendly and efficient way to access and analyze Spotify artist metrics.

The inception of Music Metrics Vault came from an inherent problem faced by countless Spotify users and data enthusiasts.

Navigating Spotify artist profiles to understand their performance metrics was a time-consuming and, at times, frustrating process.

Moreover, the data available was limited, omitting crucial information such as metrics across different cities and countries, and total streams.

This realization sparked the creation of Music Metrics Vault, a platform that offers all these data points and more in an easy-to-understand, well-organized and quick-to-access manner.

Some of the data is manually collected and written, ensuring no stone unturned in the pursuit of the most detailed artist metrics.

Music Metrics Vault is, and will always be, a free platform.

