Everything Is Tech: Jobs We Didn’t Know We needed But Now Have

Lucia Xypteras
Published in
5 min readJul 6, 2023

Remember the captivating 1989 cult science-fiction TV series, Quantum Leap? Dr. Sam Beckett, fueled by his unwavering belief in time travel, fearlessly stepped into the Quantum Leap Accelerator.

Today, a similar sense of adventure awaits us as digital and AI-powered technologies revolutionise our world, compelling the workforce to acquire new, sought-after skills and adapt to the jobs of the future.

In contrast to Dr. Beckett’s leap into the past, we find ourselves in a remarkable leap forward, right into the future. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, predicts that by 2025, a staggering 50% of employees will require reskilling due to the escalating adoption of technology.

Back in the day, pursuing a career in finance, law or medicine was seen as the most lucrative option, but the shifting landscape and the fact that everything these days is a product, pursuing a career in tech is quickly becoming a more and more appealing field to dive into.

The rapid advancements happening in the tech world prompts us to embrace the spirit of exploration and embark on a journey of continuous learning.

Historically, economic downturns have often driven innovations in the technology industry. This presents encouraging prospects for those already in the tech industry who stand at the forefront of this transformative wave.

10 years ago there was no such thing as blockchain analysts, telemedicine physicians or cloud architects. In another 10 years who’s to say you won’t be Chief Engineer of the Quantum Leap Accelerator? (That is assuming of course, the FBI hasn’t already built one).

As we put it at Platform45: Everything is tech!

With tech skills accruing value and the need for talented tech skills increasing at the speed of light, we put together a list of jobs we believe will be in high demand over the coming years:

  1. Tech developers
  2. AI developers
  3. Interface designers
  4. Data analysis
  5. Software engineering (application design front-end, back end, database)
  6. Software design
  7. Cyber security
  8. Game development
  9. Product designer
  10. Digital and content marketing
  11. Machine learning
  12. Prompt engineering
  13. Cloud computing

In an era dominated by business transformation, the driving trends behind these shifts emphasise the significance of transferable and soft skills. As the future workforce adapts to the evolving landscape, critical thinking, problem-solving, resilience, active learning, interpersonal, leadership, and communication skills emerge as crucial attributes.

At Platform45, building a better future through technology has been our mission for 15 years. We’ve been pertinaciously running around with our virtual reality goggles preaching tech revolution and finally, FINALLY, we have a soap box to stand on… We even named one of our boardrooms “Quantum.”


Witnessing the younger generation embrace the possibilities and potentials of technology as a future job market fills us with a deep sense of optimism.

To get more insight into this exciting shift, we interviewed both our Head of Engineering, Frank, as well as one of our incredible product designers, Natalia, for their thoughts on the topic.

“I really believe that design can improve the world, one pixel at a time! As a product designer, I get to help our clients build amazing digital products and services that solve real-world problems and meet market needs.” says Natalia.

Natalia elaborates, “ The demand for skilled designers is high, and this is due to a skills gap in the market. In South Africa, for example, only a few institutions offer short courses and certificates in UX/UI design. But don’t worry — many successful product designers I know come from various backgrounds, including Multimedia Design, Information Design, Architecture, and even medicine. Plus, there are tons of online resources available for self-study.”

At Platform45, we believe in attitude over aptitude. We look for individuals with initiative and a willingness to learn.

“Platform45 is unique, we don’t do things traditionally. We are welcoming to people who show interest and acuity for tech.” says Frank.

We truly believe that every business is a software business and we endeavour to deliver working software into the hands of our clients.

“If you’re someone who enjoys thinking about, making, and improving products, then product design could be a highly rewarding and satisfying career choice for you.” says Natalia.

She further elaborates, “What’s great about being a product designer is that with every new client or problem, you’re exposed to a new range of information and thinking, which helps you build a broad base of knowledge.”

In terms of skills, Natalia explains that visual design and research are important, but so are people skills. Product design is not just about technology — it involves teamwork, communication, attention to detail, and critical thinking. To be successful, you need to be able to listen empathetically and think critically. Everything else can be learned over time through experience.

Platform45 is a true paragon of a culture of learning; we prefer people to upskill through experience and participation.

Frank furthers this sentiment by saying, “We think working on projects is the best way to learn. We prioritise practicality over theory!”

We practise what we preach. We are constantly looking for better ways to do things, staying up to date on new trends in software development and we are always striving to continuously improve.

The tech space has emerged as a powerful catalyst for global progress, constantly propelling humanity forward. It thrives on the ever-present ground-level of new and exhilarating developments, fostering an environment that is immersive, inclusive, and innovative.

This realm of technology knows no bounds and anyone with an internet connection can become anything they want, as long as they have a willingness to learn. It is evolving, embraces diversity and champions equality, enabling individuals from all walks of life to contribute their unique perspectives and talents. By breaking down barriers and encouraging collaboration, the tech space paves the way for a future where everyone can participate in shaping a better world.

“In fact, we welcome diversity — the more unique voices and insights we have, the richer our products become. It’s an exciting and ever-evolving field, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!” says Natalia.

As we navigate this rapidly changing landscape, embracing continuous learning and adapting to new technologies, we have the opportunity to forge exciting careers in emerging fields.

Let us seize this moment, prioritise collaboration, and strive to build a future where technology empowers individuals, bridges gaps, and propels us towards a more inclusive and innovative world. The possibilities are limitless, and together, we can shape the jobs of the future and make a quantum leap towards a brighter tomorrow.



Lucia Xypteras

Business strategist specializing in brand and marketing.