You’ve heard of the Space Race… Welcome to the Data Race.

Lucia Xypteras
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2023

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

When Neil Armstrong uttered this now-famous statement, he had just achieved a remarkable feat that would go on to represent a pivotal moment in the history of the Space Race. Little did he know that his words would endure the test of time, be transmitted across space and through technology, be preserved in the cloud and be just as decisive today as they were 54 years ago.

You’ve heard of the Space Race… Welcome to the Data Race.

Think of data as new-age rocket fuel. Without it, there would have been no moon landing, and without data, technology would not be able to learn, improve or innovate.

The emergence of innovative technologies like Chat GPT, LLaMA, quantum computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) aim to increase the accessibility of technology beyond traditional computer interfacing, with the ultimate goal of benefiting humanity.

The significance of the Data Race lies in the transformative power of data to fuel emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionise virtually every industry and aspect of human life. From healthcare to transportation, finance to education, tech innovation is changing the way we live, work and interact with each other while also democratising access to technology to enable broader participation in the digital revolution.

The exponential growth of data is propelling our rocket ship forward, enabling more advanced exploration and amplifying the impact of our discoveries.

At the heart of the Data Race is the shared vision to improve human life by connecting people with technology.

At Platform45 our mission is to bring innovation and imagination closer together, connecting people with world-class technological solutions. We actively participate in the Data Race every single day, driven by our pursuit of progress. Our offices are abuzz with a sense of excitement and anticipation as we constantly ask ourselves: What possibilities can we unlock today that will help shape tomorrow?

Data is a timeless entity that will transcend the limitations of human existence. Data is the way that we will preserve history and cultures and will become the way we pass down stories from generation to generation.

In the same way the world stopped and asked “Where were you when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon?” we will one day ask, “ Where were you when we landed in the middle of this new data-driven world?”

Just like in the Space Race, the quest for technological advancement is not only a matter of achieving “moonshot feats” but also a struggle for power and authority. Although technology has enabled millions to participate in achieving these moonshot goals, there remains a risk of intentional misuse.

The Data Race is a crucial driver of worldwide technological progress, as companies and countries race to gain an advantage in an increasingly data-driven world. The stakes are high, as the winners will not only stand to gain substantial economic benefits, but will also gain significant influence in shaping the future and society as a whole.

As Mira Murati, CTO of Open AI, pointed out in a recent interview with the Times, “This is a unique moment in time where we do have agency in how [AI] shapes society.”

So what do we do? We persevere and rise to the incredible challenge. Learning models are designed with a data flywheel effect- The more we use these cutting-edge technologies, the more data they can assimilate into their corpus resulting in more advanced, responsive and refined technology.

By collaborating and leveraging the incredible potential of AI in our everyday lives, to streamline our businesses, to enhance our knowledge, to improve our productivity, we can play a direct role in shaping the future.

It is safe to say that without the Space Race, we would not be here today. The benefits of the Space Race align directly with the emerging and forecasted benefits of the Data Race:

  1. The generation of knowledge through data exploration leads to greater understanding and advancement in the fields of AI, machine learning and data analytics. The Data Race drives individuals, companies and countries to explore new ways to collect, store and analyse data.
  2. The diffusion of these innovations spark the creation of new markets, as businesses seek to capitalise on the opportunities presented by these advancement. Companies are able to create new products and services that rely on these new technologies, which in turn create new industries and job opportunities.
  3. The Data Race inspires people around the world to leverage these opportunities which create a global culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and enhanced tech skills through collaboration, cooperation and knowledge sharing.

As a leading software development company, Platform45 serves these goals by defining, designing and developing cutting edge digital products for startups and top companies around the world.

Unlike the Space Race, this time we are not mere spectators but explorers. We are the astronauts with a direct hand in taking the next giant leap for mankind. It is a time of unprecedented opportunity and responsibility, where every step forward is one we take together.



Lucia Xypteras

Business strategist specializing in brand and marketing.