How To Market Your Premium Freelance Writing Service

Some techniques for setting yourself apart from the competition

Steven Toews, JD, MBA
Platforms, Freelancing, and Work


Photo by Michael Soledad on Unsplash

When I was just starting out as a freelance copy and content writer, I found myself deep in the Upwork wilderness trying to scrape out a living amongst the other cut-rate writers. I quickly realized that wasn’t going to work, because no one can make a decent living at $0.01 per word, regardless of how many words you can realistically manage to churn out in a day.

So, I went a different route. Leveraging my professional background as a former lawyer and my business administration degree I carved out a niche for myself as a premium service. I targeted clients who needed a writer literate in business and law and were willing to pay a lot for that service.

The latter approach turned out to be a successful one. I was able to stop focusing on volume and start focusing on quality. The higher quality of my work allowed me to charge even higher prices, which let me focus even more singularly on quality, in a positive feedback loop.

In this story, I’m going to write about how to position your own freelance writing service for the premium market, so you too can stop trying to maximize your words per day and start trying to increase the impact of each of those words. Let’s go!



Steven Toews, JD, MBA
Platforms, Freelancing, and Work

I help working professionals find fulfillment and increase income by writing online.