Rhythm of Life

Ashok Kumar
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2017

Life sometimes can become more uncomfortable. Something that was happening till yesterday, is no more today. People in large numbers move in and move out of your life. Heart accepts all of them for whoever they are once again proving it’s innocence. But the mind is not so, it biases people into two streams, good and not good. Not good doesn’t mean bad. It then starts to dominate your heart arguing either for or against a person or a group of people. It becomes tedious for the heart to take a decision on it. It is calculative for the mind but a sign of emotion for the heart. There comes a situation in

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life wherein you don’t anymore continue with the people, with whom you had the precious moments in your life. Nobody can replace anybody but can be a substitute for a period of time. For some of them, have treated you like an insurance policy, not for life but for knowledge, finance, resource and much more. People speak good about you in your presence, but it’s not the same in your absence. Day by day it gets worse. You start missing all the good moments you have come across in your life. You start missing all the good people whom you’ve met in life. Due to all these pressure you start reacting the way you should not. You start longing for silence around you, you start longing for a polite environment around you. You feel like living in such an environment for the rest of your life. You sit back and relax, at that time you’ll feel the rhythm of your heart beat. It may be the anthem of your recovery. Yes it continues to beat, not because you have some days to go on this planet. It is because of the beat of another heart filling in the pauses of your heart’s beat.

Author : Karthik Srini

