Platinum Software Development Company to collaborate with the A-Factor project, founded by Azam Shaghaghi

3 min readMay 25, 2021


The Platinum Software Development Company management team is delighted to announce the first big collaboration of 2021!

Our team has entered into a partnership with the A-Factor project launched by Azam Shaghaghi. The popular influencer has conducted interviews with Elon Musk and Frans van Houten, CEO of Royal Philips, as well as other top world influencers!

What is an A-Factor blog?

The A-Factor is a podcast discussing the state of current & future affair of technology post 2020 era and social challenges. The show distinguishes itself as an uncensored, democratic, open-discussion debate table & platform following pivotal trends rising in exponential technologies, emerging tech, and science and the factors in social changes by featuring conversations with top thinkers, founders and impact creators in the world that will shape the future of life.

The purpose of this podcast is not only to recognize the advances in the new digital technology era but also consider other factors impacted in this new ecosystem such as democracy and other digital transformation, and the end leave it to the audience to decide. We believe with the rise of technology and digital dominance, open discussion is crucial to innovate and envision and build a better world.

The project was launched by Azam Shaghaghi with the aim of bringing fresh information about the crypto world to people interested in this subject. Azam plans to single out the most important information from the world of crypto so as to help the crypto community navigate through the large volumes of information coming from different online sources.

Miss Shaghaghi is planning to hold interviews with the most popular and influential individuals from different spheres and countries. This project is going worldwide, so it will be quite appealing to anyone interested in this topic.

What is the role of Platinum Software Development Company in the A-Factor project?

The Platinum Software Development Company team is supporting the A-Factor blog in a technical capacity. Our developers provide the project with a perfectly working platform.

We do believe this blog will help Japanese users to keep up with all the latest news in the fintech and crypto industry and to understand the main concepts of the industry better.

If you want to keep up with the latest news and get expert opinions from top ministers, politicians, businessmen, bankers and other influential personas, then subscribe to the A-Factor!

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