How to Do Intermittent Fasting the Right Way?



Hello my friends 👋 🙏

❗️And we continue my series of posts, where I’m telling you how to increase brain activity, strengthen your health and improve body composition ❗️

✳️ How to Do Intermittent Fasting the Right Way?

🤓 This article will talk about how to do intermittent fasting every day the right way. If done correctly, it will be incredibly easy 🚀🚀

How Long Should I Fast?

The minimum I would recommend you fast is 14–16 hours. There’s no physiological reason to be eating any sooner because your body will be still digesting the food you ate from the previous day. By the 16–18 hour mark, you’ll be in mild ketosis and have triggered at least some of the processes of autophagy 🦠

Other metabolic reactions, like increased insulin sensitivity and released human growth hormone will have also kicked in. Growth hormone soars to outer space and rises by 1300–2000%, which is just astonishing. This hormone preserves lean muscle and burns fat for energy. Fasting won’t make you lose muscle or gain weight because it would be unsustainable from the perspective of evolution. It’s not the same as starvation either.

Fasting for 20–24 hours is also very healthy and easy. You’ll be simply increasing fat oxidation. 🔥🔥🔥

If you’re a sedentary person who doesn’t move around a lot during the day, then there isn’t any physiological reason for you to eat more than once a day either. But I need to eat…. 😱😰 I workout quite hard almost every single day and can easily get away with it. So can you 😌 💪

How to Do Intermittent Fasting?

✅ Eat dinner the previous night at about 7–8 PM.

✅ Fast throughout the night and wake up in the morning. You’ll be in mild ketosis already.

✅ Wait 1–2 hours after waking up before you drink coffee, or longer if you don’t get hungry. Don’t drink any more than 2 cups or use decaf.

✅ Fast past noon for about 14–16 hours, or go for the 20-hour mark.

✅ Before you break your fast, have a glass of hot water with lemon juice squeezed in it. The citric acid will create more digestive enzymes.

✅ Make your first meal relatively small and low-glycemic. Eating too heavy right away will put too much stress on your intestines.

✅ If you fasted for 14–18 hours, then wait for about 2–3 hours before having your next meal. If you fasted for 20 hours, then you can eat again after an hour or just have a one big meal.

✅ The biggest meal of the day would be at dinner. Some perfect foods are unprocessed meat, eggs, fish, good fats, like butter, avocados, Dairy (if you’re not sensitive to it), fruits.

✅ Eat as much as you like according to your caloric needs and goals.

Things to Remember

🔶 You can’t consume any calories during your fasting window. If you drink coffee, have it black or Americano. Don’t get addicted to it either. Use it only when you need to suppress your appetite not as a drug.

🔶 When you break your fast, Don’t gorge yourself. You’ve mustered enough self-mastery to fast for a day, so have just a little bit of more patience and control to ease into it. Start small and easy.

🔶 Don’t think of intermittent fasting as a get out of jail free card. You can eat some junk food without damaging your body composition but it’s not optimal for health.

🔶 Don’t make a big deal out of it. There’s nothing special about skipping meals or doing intermittent fasting. It’s just that the society is conditioned to be eating all the time. In the real world, fasting for 20 hours should be easy and effortless.

🔶 Lastly, just relax and enjoy the process. You have to be calm about it because otherwise you’ll be creating useless stress.

Platinum Q DAO Engineering wishes you have a good day!

Be healthier, be smarter, be successful. Platinum Q DAO Engineering 😼💪

🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♀️ Workout of The Day

The Best Way To Workout For Home 🏆

🔥 Workout № 5 🔥

Learn the technique below (links) and tasks first, also count your time 🕔

4 body weight exercises 🤸‍♂️

🔶 Amount of rounds : 5

🔶 Amount of reps : 20

🔶 Rest between rounds : 1 min

🔶 Max time : 20 min

1️⃣ In and Outs

2️⃣ Plank Knee to Elbow

3️⃣ Star Crunches

4️⃣ Russian Twist

Challenge yourself 💥 #platinum_workout_challenge

Be healthier, be smarter, be successful. Platinum Q DAO Engineering 😼💪



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