Rare art on Rarible! Platinum Software Development Company issues its first NFTs!

3 min readMay 25, 2021


Platinum Software Development Company has just issued its first NFTs on Rarible. The beautiful and exclusive Bae collection will become a cornerstone of our future NFT series, which we will be creating this year!

So why did we decide to step into the game?

Why NFTs are so popular

NFT has become the most trendy and discussable thing in 2021. While Grimes sold around $6 million worth of digital artwork after putting it up for auction at the beginning of March, her boyfriend Elon Musk turned down a $1 million offer to buy his tweet as an NFT.

Crazy new world, right? Well, actually, NFTs are a reflection of the times as they embody digital ownership of anything in this world.

According to NonFungible, NFT market volume is at $250 million and has grown by up to 299% since 2019.

The popularity of the NFT phenomenon lies in the fact that it helps many people monetize their art, skills and anything that they have ever created.

Moreover, it is absolutely safe as NFT shifts the crypto paradigm by making each token unique and irreplaceable. Thus, it is impossible for one non-fungible token to be equal to another.

Platinum Software Development Company is in the big NFT game

With everything mentioned above, it would be unwise to stay away from this unique and incredibly exciting way of upgrading our ecosystem.

That’s why we are glad to announce the steps our company is taking on the road to NFT success.

Meet us on Rarible! Here we’ll sell different art created by our superhero team. The ownership is all yours!

As of now, the first collection of beautiful Bae has already been prepared, including Chakra Girl, Cosmie Bae, Dovie Bae and Bitcoin Bae.

We always strive to make our products up-to-date and profitable for our users — it has always been clear to us that the more innovative we get, the more interest and trust we earn from our community.

With that said, Platinum Software Development Company is delighted to announce that new NFTs are on the way!

Keep up with the news to become the first owner of cool Platinum art and subscribe to our Rarible page.

Learn more about the expertise of Platinum Software Development Company at https://platinum.fund and join us on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Weibo and Telegram.

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Platinum.fund is an international STO/IEO/ICO/POST ICO consulting, promotion and fundraising company.