Taking a walk through Switzerland’s Crypto Valley! Platinum Software Development Company is accepted as members of the best ecosystem for crypto technologies!

3 min readJun 1, 2021


Platinum Software Development Company has been working as a smart-contract auditor and blockchain developer since 2015. The team has been going for more than five years, consulting and helping around 350 companies to reach their goals.

Platinum Software Development Company has launched a series of products, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by the crypto society. Today, we celebrate our acceptance into the Crypto Valley Association!

Platinum Software Development Company is a member of the best ecosystem for crypto technologies, based in Switzerland!

The regular activity of the company has led to its becoming a member of the Crypto Valley Association, along with Anton Dzyatkovsky.

Crypto Valley is an independent, government-supported association that was established to take full advantage of Switzerland’s strengths with regards to building the world’s leading ecosystem for blockchain and cryptographic technologies.

It’s one of the greatest achievements of the team behind Platinum Software Development Company — acceptance into the Crypto Valley Association is the litmus test for truthfulness, impartiality and incorruptibility, for every project in the system.

About the Crypto Valley Association

Crypto Valley was initiated by Johann Gevers, a visionary thought leader, entrepreneur and CEO of Monetas.

The organization was established in January 2017, when it was proclaimed a professional organization that would coordinate, accelerate and scale the development of the Crypto Valley. Its mission is to create the world’s best ecosystem for crypto technologies and businesses.

To date, the Crypto Valley Association supports and connects startups with established enterprises through policy recommendations. It also organizes conferences, hackathons and other industry events.

About Platinum Software Development Company

There are 3 products made by Platinum’s engineers that are ruled by a decentralized DAO — called “Q DAO”

A cross-chain aggregator — aiming to support the most popular chains like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Avalanche, Solana, Huobi ECO Chain, TRON, Ziliqa and Loom — that offers a dashboard with which liquidity providers can track their investments.

The team truly believes that healthy competition is crucial to DeFi market development. That’s why the creation of this profound and trusted ratings platform is one of the most important goals of the company. The platform offers audits and creates up-to-date ratings of projects in the DeFi sphere.

Created in cooperation with BitGo for institutional holders and family offices that want to use a centralized service and store their crypto assets safely. All funds are kept on the BitGo platform and are insured for $100,000,000.

It’s a great honor for Platinum Engineers and a further responsibility committing to this respected label which signifies the best, Swiss-based ecosystem for crypto technologies and businesses! We will do our best to meet the high standards of the Crypto Valley Association’ — states Anton Dzyatkovsky, the co-founder of Platinum Software Development Company.

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Platinum.fund is an international STO/IEO/ICO/POST ICO consulting, promotion and fundraising company.