Platocracy Introduction and Submission Guidelines

Aman Khanna
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2020


Explaining the title

Platocracy is made from two root words — ‘Plato’ and ‘cracy’. Plato is regarded as one of the most wide-ranging and one of the influential authors in the history of philosophy. He transformed the subject of philosophy in the truest sense of the word. He was influenced by Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus and Parmenides and many more. We won’t go into these details. The list of original political thinkers that he influenced is quite long as well. It includes Aristotle, Cicero, Hobbes, Arendt, Russell, Nietzsche and many more.

Explaining the word ‘cracy’ — political theories such as democracy, aristocracy has ‘cracy’ in common. Moreover, it is similar to the word ‘Plutocracy’ which means the rule of the wealthy, which is happening in the current world we are living in.

Hence this publication will be entertaining content from two fields — political science and sub-domains and philosophy and its allied fields.

With that note, I announce the inception of this publication.

Submission guidelines are as follows-

  1. The submissions can be related to any field of political science (political theory, political ideology, national parties, Indian political structure, International Politics…



Aman Khanna

Top Writer on Quora ( Political Scientist, Management grad. A guy writing about Psychology, Pol Sc and life.