Pick Me Up Cocktails For When Your Team Is Behind

Need a strong drink?

Janica Buenconsejo
The Platypus
3 min readMar 30, 2017


When you’re watching your favourite team is behind, it puts you in a mood to drink. You need something to keep your mind off the low scores, something smooth and relaxing. Well, you should get right to preparing these strong cocktail drinks!


A true cocktail classic — in fact, it was claimed to be the first American cocktail, originating from New Orleans. This cocktail packs a serious punch, composed mainly of rye whiskey, absinthe, Peychaud’s bitters, a cube of sugar and a lemon twist.

Long Island Iced Tea

Even non-drinkers have heard of the Long Island Iced Tea because it’s the most popular, most common cocktail yet. It doesn’t look much, but looks can be deceiving. This drink, normally, could have 22% alcohol content, but it can definitely have more depending on how “long” the serving size is. It’s a combination of vodka, tequila, rum, gin, triple sec, cola, and sweet and sour mix. Some would still add whiskey into the mix,

Death in the Afternoon

With that kind of name, who wouldn’t want to try it right? This is a drink invented by the famous writer, Ernest Hemingway. It only has two ingredients: absinthe and champagne. What you need to do is to pour absinthe into a champagne flute, about 1.5 ounces. Then top with champagne. Hemingway himself said to prepare like this: “Pour one jigger absinthe into a champagne glass. Add iced champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly.”

Zombie Cocktail

You’ll definitely feel like one after a couple of glasses of the zombie cocktail. While it has lots of fruit flavours like orange, pineapple, and lime; it also contains an unimaginable amount of rum. Let’s see, there’s white rum, golden rum, dark rum, apricot brandy, 151-proof rum, and a splash of grenadine. Make sure you drink this with other people, alright?

Negroni Cocktail

This is a drink that is definitely not for the faint of heart, or stomach, or liver, really. It’s one of the most potent cocktails out there. It has gin, vermouth, and Campari served in a chilled glass. You can garnish it with an orange wedge.

Just looking at the recipes makes me feel dizzy already. But hey, dire situations require strong solutions. In this case, it’s more of an alcoholic situation. Remember to drink with a friend who will be kind enough to keep you in check so you wouldn’t feel too lousy when you wake up from a hangover.



Janica Buenconsejo
The Platypus

Metabolizing oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide since 1993.