Why did we build Play. Digital Signage?

Justas Azna
Play Digital Signage
1 min readAug 17, 2016

OSX or Windows? Digital Ocean or AWS? Trello or Atlassian suite? If you picked the first answer in all three questions, you may be a person who values simplicity and good user experience. We may have something in common.

When you look at the current Digital Signage ecosystem, you will notice that it’s full of complicated and opinionated systems which require special training to operate. Why can’t we have something that is simple and accessible? Why can’t it be as simple as making a power point presentation and pressing PLAY?

Our team at Play. is determined to change that. We offer:

Many more exciting things are coming and we’ll write about them in this blog as we try to bring simplicity to Digital Signage. So let’s Play.

