A load of rubbish

Finding the creative potential in anything

Rethinking rubbish

Sam Griffiths
Play every day
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018


Recently I’ve been picking up pieces of cardboard, tin cans, bit of plastic and seeing if I can make something out of them. It’s a nice challenge, trying to give meaning and value to things that have very little of either.

I took part in an Improv course earlier in the year that I wrote about at the time:

One of the principles taught by the brilliant Pippa Evans is to ‘Use everything’, the point being that you can build from anywhere using anything to hand. With that in mind I looked at these bits of rubbish and started to think what I could do with them, and what they might suggest. It might be an oil stain, the arrangement of die-cut holes, a striking bit of typography, the object’s colour, shape or form that hint at some other possibility. Below is a selection of objects that I got to playing this game.

A slice of the Moon
Box totem
Person passing the window
Bank job
Postcard from London
Take a slice of the Moon
Walking in the rain
Cardboard keyboard
Train station
Juggler, yeah?
Postal address
Two trees
Living in a shoebox
Escape from Newark (Snake Plissken)
ATLAS experiment at CERN

I like how these rejects, these throw away objects are being given a second chance. It’s not an overtly ecological message, but it is an action and a way of thinking that I believe is healthy.

But the main learning for me is that there’s creative potential in everything.

Everything can be a launch pad.



Sam Griffiths
Play every day

I want to make things more playful. It’s fun and it makes the world a better place. Want more play in your life? Sign up for my newsletter http://griffics.com