Barbara Cassidy Band: “Einstein Was Right” Single Review

Toby M.S.
Play Loud Reviews
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2024

If “Einstein Was Right” can be used to signify Cassidy’s discography, there’s no point coming back. One listen is more than enough.

Originally published 9 Nov 2020

Barbara Cassidy Band “Einstein Was Right” single cover art; sky withclouds and highlights filter, name of single in big text centered and artist name underneath
“Einstein Was Right” cover art

My favorite song that isn’t Velvet Starlings or Plastiscene is “I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon.” You heard that right: my favorite song besides “Sold Down the River” and “Now As One” is that one song Ernie sings on Sesame Street. I have no shame.

But that doesn’t mean that I voluntarily seek out children’s music for my own enjoyment. I like rock music. I like guitars and drums and gritty vocals like Jack White or Sleater-Kinney.

I’ve been planning to write up a review for Barbara Cassidy Band’s latest single for the past few months, and now that I’ve finally gotten around to it, I honestly don’t understand why I’ve bothered to. To be fair, I have not listened to any other song from the band as of publishing this article, but if “Einstein Was Right” can be used to signify the rest of their discography, I can say without a doubt that this band is targeting children.

It’s not as obvious as Laurie Berkner or The Wiggles, but you can’t convince me that there are no childish vibes emanating from this track. The only thing that keeps me from not giving up on writing this review was the fact that it didn’t start off like a kid’s song — it has vibes reminiscent of Skylab’s “Side Effects,” but without any of the rock and passion eminating from that album. No, we are left with an ear-piercing screech followed by a waltz rhythm and strumming pattern comparable to a cartoon tune used over a dunce character or a waiting sequence.

It’s not exactly the most irritating song ever (go read my review of Moose if you’re curious), and her vocals aren’t bad, either. But if you’ve heard it once, you’ve already heard it enough times. It’s comparable to my feelings towards Louise Le Hir’s “Les Birdies” — after the first few listens, it comes on again and I feel a numbness like I’ve been drugged as I routinely go back through the song — “Here we go again, oh boy.” Never come back, it’s really not worth a second try. I’m slightly curious about Cassidy’s other tracks, but after “Einstein Was Right,” I’m gonna need a few more days to recover with healthy doses of Kula Shaker and Velvet Starlings until I can return.

Rating: 0.5/5



Toby M.S.
Play Loud Reviews

Music journalist and critic publishing music analysis and reviews on Medium and YouTube (Play it Loud).