Twenty One Pilots: Level of Concern Single Review

Toby M.S.
Play Loud Reviews
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Let it be known: “Level of Concern” isn’t half bad. But it’s robotic and fake — nothing like the Twenty One Pilots I’ve come to know.

Originally published 15 Apr 2020

Twenty-One Pilots “Level of Concern” single cover art; black USB drive with track name in red and yellow text and yellow electrical tape on its end, band logo bottom center and band name center top on white paper background
“Level of Concern” cover art

I’ve never liked Twenty One Pilots. I won’t lie that I’ve never enjoyed a song by them, and there are a handful of songs I listen to regularly. But as for Trench, I expected to never again find a Twenty One Pilots song that I liked. And it’s no wonder — I’ve never been fond of rap music, and that album was almost all rap.

So when “Level of Concern” was released, I expected to harbor bitter feelings toward it. But I was surprised. Pleasantly? That might be going a little far. But it was better than anything off Trench. But for different reasons.

Obviously, as “Level of Concern” has no rapping, I would like it better than the band’s previous record. But it’s still no where close to being as good as the songs I enjoy. If anything, Trench was a step forward for the band while “Level of Concern is two huge steps back. What happened to the spoken vocals that fans have grown to love from vocalist Tyler Joseph? There is none to be found on this single.

Let it be known: “Level of Concern” isn’t half bad. It’s a solid mainstream hit that I can even enjoy in my stubborn tastes in music. But it’s not really Twenty One Pilots, is it? The deep vocals of the bridge — sure, they’re reminiscent of Blurryface, but the song is pop. It’s not special in a sea of hits nowadays besides the critics being able to digest it, but it’s robotic and fake — nothing like the Twenty One Pilots I know.

And to put the salt in the wound, it barely even ends. Chorus, and then weird sounds quieter than the rest of the song. But what did I expect? It’s not like any popular artists these days knows how to write a good punchline.

Rating: 2.5/5



Toby M.S.
Play Loud Reviews

Music journalist and critic publishing music analysis and reviews on Medium and YouTube (Play it Loud).