Bellissima Productions Reminds Us What Theatre Has Always Been About

And it’s not just about the production value.

Maria Ta
Play On
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


This past month Bellissima Productions hosted a five year anniversary showcase aptly named “Spotlight: The Past Five Years”. If you don’t get it, find yourself a theater friend and they’ll explain it to you. Puns and play on words are simply the mode of communication for us bards.

Established in 2018, Bellissima Productions has been and continues to be a home for theatre artists looking to produce work in a collaborative space, in other words a place for friends by friends. I would know because these are my own group of friends.

Many of us gathered together after graduating from college and busting our asses producing work at our college’s theater club feeling a deep sense of loss. We just wanted to create and play again. So that is what we did.

With nothing more than a dream, a team of talented friends, and a whole lot of gumption we managed to produce our first post-college show at the Alleyway Theater. The show was none other than The Last Five Years, one of my all time favorites.

The years progressed and the make-up of the theatre’s ensemble ebbed and flowed. At this year’s showcase event, I sat amongst the audience to witness how far my friends have come and I was reminded of the simple joys that brought us together in the first place.

Watching a stage full of talented and passionate performers, many of whom I was not personally familiar with, brought a sense of deep pride and not just because my own friends were doing the damn thing. I was proud to know and witness the dawning of a new age of theatre.

Sitting in that audience, I was reminded that the absolute heart-warming joy of sharing a performance was what theatre has always been about to us. It was in the memories we make as we construct stories, hold truths, and explore our own limitations as artists.

There were some knock out performances that night. I’m talking hair-raising-teeth-grinning-face-sore-from-smiling kind of performances.

First to hit the stage was Timayah Love who brought me right back to why I adore The Last Five Years. I would give my left leg to see a full performance of this show with Love as the lead. She could make anyone cry from her insane grasp of musicality. I had goosebumps up and down my arms almost immediately.

Aaron Saldana is also a crowd favorite. Saldana has an incredible stage presence and I’ve always enjoyed his enjoyment of the stage. His joy is so clear whenever he’s on stage. Cabaret style showcases can sometimes feel like you’re attending a high school concert but when artists like Saldana take the stage they treat it like what it should be — a performance! He pulls you right in as an audience members and leaves you wanting more.

Next to steal the show was definitely Karen Harty. Harty has A VOICE. I’m convinced she will never need a mic with how her voice carries so beautifully. She was especially fun in Ballad of Sara Berry, a selection from 35MM. I’m incredibly excited to see what she is in next.

Speaking of what’s coming up next, the night concluded with a sneak preview into Bellissima’s remaining 5th season as well as their upcoming 6th season of shows. The roster includes:

American Idiot

Head Over Heels


Burn This

Prelude to A Kiss

Alice By Heart

Supporting the next wave of theatre is such an important role we all need to play if we want the craft to not only survive but to thrive. I look forward to the continued cultivation of young artists looking for a performance home and finding it at Bellissima Productions. For more information on their current and future productions visit



Maria Ta
Play On
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Anti-hustler | Founder & Creative Entrepreneur | Let’s talk creativity, labor freedom, and living life like Larry