There are at least two kinds of games

James P. Carse, “Finite and infinite games: A Vision of Life in Play and Possibility”

Jose (Jossi) Fresco


Paraphrased from James P. Carse, “Finite and infinite games: A Vision of Life in Play and Possibility”

There are at least two kinds of games.

One could be called finite, the other infinite.

The finite game is played for the purpose of winning, and thereby ending the game.

An infinite game is played for the purpose of continuing the play

… and bringing as many persons as possible into the play.

Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries.

Finite players are serious; infinite games are playful.

Finite players try to control the game, predict everything that will happen, and set the outcome in advance. They are serious and determined about getting that outcome. They try to fix the future based on the past.

Infinite players enjoy being surprised. Continuously running into something they didn’t know will ensure that the game will go on. The meaning of the past changes depending on what happens in the future.



Jose (Jossi) Fresco

Exploring the boundaries where human interaction, media, creativity, and technology meet.