Crypto Art Moving into Gaming and VR — Play to Earn #48

Custom game characters, 3D art in virtual reality, programmable art setting records & much more!

Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn
6 min readNov 27, 2020


Everybody noticed that little wake-up call this week. Cryptocurrencies were going up in value, as a result abandoned Whatsapp groups came back alive and parents started talking again about bitcoin. Nope. It’s still not dead. This technology is here to stay, and we keep covering this revolution from the trenches. When it comes to blockchain gaming, NFTs and crypto art this has been an interesting week. We’ve seen crypto art moving into gaming and into virtual reality. But first something about this month’s sponsor of the Play to Earn Newsletter:

Async Art is all about creating, collecting, and trading programmable art. These digital paintings can evolve over time, react to its owners, or change according to the weather. There are amazing creations on Async Art, so be sure to check them out!

Async Art Record Sale by Trevor Jones & Alotta Money

Programmable art is very popular with collectors at the moment. Especially because this type of art really embraces the digital medium it’s hosted on: computers. Ethboy by Trevor Jones sold for more than 141 thousand dollars. Looks like Async Art keeps breaking record. ▶▶▶ Read more

Next Game Festival Coming in March 2021

Here at Play to Earn we were very satisfied with the first Play to Earn Game Festival earlier this month. For our second edition we’re taking things to the next level: a bigger venue, more interactivity, more live elements. Bigger. Bolder. The event will take place in March 2021. ▶▶▶ Read more

The Queen’s Gambit Sparks Idea Blockchain Chess Sets

Marguerite deCourcelle is working together with Alexandra Botez and Glitch_Black to create collectible digital chess pieces. At the same time she’s offering funding to developers who will create chess games using these chess pieces on the blockchain. ▶▶▶ Read more

Mirandus Wants to Simulate a Living World

The upcoming MMORPG Mirandus allows players to be the boss over a tavern or a village. Ownership is provided through deeds on the blockchain, and there’s quite some customization that comes with it. However, putting your village next to a dungeon doesn’t seem to be the best idea. Apparently the dungeon boss can come out to retaliate! ▶▶▶ Read more

MegaCryptoPolis Integrating Matic on December 10th

In two weeks MegaCryptoPolis will move lots of its activity on the Ethereum blockchain to the Matic Network. This will make certain in-game actions a lot cheaper. In addition this should make it profitable again to run small businesses. The biggest change however, will be the introduction of a free-to-play game mode. ▶▶▶ Read more

Maradona Card Value Skyrockets at Sorare

Diego Armando Maradona was one of the greatest, but even though his death comes sudden, considering his lifestyle we shouldn’t be too surprised. Out of respect Sorare stopped minting new cards of the late football star. As a result existing cards have quadrupled in value. ▶▶▶ Read more

Virtual Reality Artist to Publish on SuperRare

If you’re a bit like me, you’re sometimes amazed by things artists make on their computer. However, Anna Zhilyaeva take the creation of digital art to a new level. She paints three-dimensional artworks inside virtual reality. It’s really amazing to watch, and she will soon sell a creation on SuperRare. ▶▶▶ Read more

F1 Delta Time To Sell 2020 Content with Discount

The more REVV tokens are deposited, the more discount there will be on the pre-sale of the 2020 Season for F1 Delta Time. Depositing is possible until December 3rd, while the sale will start on the 4th and will end one week later. ▶▶▶ Read more

Crypto Artists Create Blocklete Golf Characters

It doesn’t very often yet, that artists merge with blockchain gaming. That’s what makes this new project by Blocklete Games so much fun. Tommy Wilson, George Boya and Rare Designer will sell creatively designed golfers on the Blocklete Golf marketplace. These are limited in supply and only temporarily available. ▶▶▶Read more

Metagrail Sells Sneakers with Virtual Use Case

Buy a pair of sneakers with a design by an artificial intelligence. The auction ends on Sunday November 29th. The physical sneakers come with several special NFTs and allow a digital version of the shoe to be used across different digital worlds. ▶▶▶ Read more

Meme Ltd Introduces Schrödinger’s Bitcoin

There are 12 artworks and one of them has a bitcoin inside. I referred to the project as Schrödinger’s Bitcoin, because what happens to the price if there’s a chance that there’s a bitcoin or no bitcoin at all? ▶▶▶ Read more

Splinterlands Out Now on Android

Trading card battle game Splinterlands can already be played on smartphones, but now there’s a dedicated app for Android devices. ▶▶▶ Read more

Bandai Namco Invests in Fashion Avatars Genies

Bandai Namco is the games publisher behind series like Tekken, Soulcalibur and Pac-Man. They now invested 3 million dollars in avatar company Genies. This is interesting because Genies will be using the Flow blockchain to give users ownership over digital fashion. ▶▶▶ Read more

Calling All Artists for Gaming Artworks

The Play to Earn Game Festival will be coming to an old warehouse, offering exposition space for crypto artists and their artworks, a presentation area, a gaming arcade and a roof top for social gatherings. This next event is scheduled for March 2021, and Play to Earn is asking crypto artists to get in touch. I’m looking to curate a selection of awesome gaming-inspired artworks by established, upcoming and superhot crypto artists. ▶▶▶ Read more

More about earning and spending PLAY

Last week we published the first version of our whitepaper. This paper gives you an insight in the plans we have for our $PLAY token. You can earn $PLAY by contributing to the community. You can spend $PLAY in The PLAY Shop, on a website membership, and we accept $PLAY in our store on Opensea. If you want to get started, please join our community on Discord.

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of our newsletter. That means you’ve earned yourself some $PLAY. Share this newsletter with your friends or colleagues!



Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn

Metaverse citizen, Web3 enthusiast, NFT collector. Learning about blockchain every day, sharing my knowledge and passion. Head of Content at DappRadar