Cryptovoxels Origin City Completely Sold Out

From now on only P2P trading for land parcels within Origin City

Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn


Developer Ben Nolan auctioned the final one hundred land parcels for Cryptovoxels, which makes Origin City complete sold out. As a result his project is now the app with the highest trading volume on OpenSea. In the past seven days there has been 422.30 ETH in trading volume, which equals almost 73 thousand dollars.

It’s been nearly two years since Nolan started selling small numbers of his virtual world to investors, gamers and virtual reality enthusiasts. In the first weeks the parcels didn’t even sell out, but nowadays land in Cryptovoxels is selling for a minimum of 400 dollars. The most expensive lands are even worth thousands of dollars.

Next week will mark the first week without an auction. It remains to be seen what the lack of new land parcels will do to the trading volumes. Without new land additions, prices are likely to go up. But obviously this requires a certain demand.

Nolan is already planning ahead for the future of Cryptovoxels. He’s thinking about adding islands and connect these island with bridges to Origin City.

How does it work?



Robert Hoogendoorn
Play to Earn

Metaverse citizen, Web3 enthusiast, NFT collector. Learning about blockchain every day, sharing my knowledge and passion. Head of Content at DappRadar