5 Reasons I’m Thankful For Yoshi

Play Underground!
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2017

Ahh yes, it’s that time of year once again: Thanksgiving.

Every snapchat story is a plate of food, white people are picked on for their lack of seasoning, and most importantly it’s a time of giving thanks. When you ask someone what it is they’re thankful for, you may hear things like “their family” or, “friends” but, throw that in the trash. Today we’re gonna talk about five reasons i’m thankful for everyone’s favourite little pal, Yoshi.

  1. He’s Always There for Mario

Imagine if your best friend calls you and tells you “A giant turtle monster kidnapped my girlfriend I need you to come with me and fight his army to get her back.”

Hold up, what?

I don’t know about you but I would hang up right there i’m not even saying one word back. Yoshi however, ALWAYS answers the call to duty. Do you know how many times Mario has jumped off Yoshi’s back to make it to a ledge, sending Yoshi to his death? Yoshi still stays by Mario’s side. Getting to Bowser is made a lot easier thanks to him.

2.He’s the Best Mario Party Character

Before you DM me with some reckless nonsense talking about “Mario Party is all luck.” Go ahead and save your breathe buddy because you convinced yourself that’s the truth as a defence mechanism to comfort you when you lose. Yoshi is, without a doubt one sly bastard who’s craftiness and unmatched blind luck make him a solid pick in any Mario Party and if you pick him from me I will snap your ne

3.Yoshi’s Story (Super Smash Bros. Melee Stage)

Super Smash Bros. Melee has a lot of very fun and enjoyable maps, but this one really takes the cake for me. Yoshi’s setting is a colourful lighthearted world and this stage does a great job of depicting that. Even though he’s not a top tier character in Smash, melee player “aMSa” has proved Yoshi can tussle with the best of them.

4.Yoshi’s Island DS

This. Game. BANGS. The art style is so appealing, the colours are so vibrant and everything is clearly visible, so you won’t get hit by things you didn’t even know were enemies. Yoshi’s island DS is that amazing balance of challenge and fun, and this game brought me hours of happiness.

5. Yoshi is SOO cute

Just seeing this lil guy happy warms my heart. Yoshi has been with me time after time in so many adventures and my heart has such a soft spot for him. Yoshi is just that type of cute that you can’t help but feel happier seeing him. Mario couldn’t ask for a more adorable companion.

Thank you for reading about my appreciation for Yoshi, and I hope now that you too will realize how thankful you are for everyone’s favourite little green dinosaur

