Five Games That We Still Want Sequels For In 2018

Ryan Joaquim
Play Underground!
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2018

With Red Dead Redemption 2 finally arriving, it made me wonder about other games that I waited for a sequel (and am still waiting) for. I decided to leave certain games that you’re probably sick of hearing about off the list, like Half-Life 3. There’s plenty of games out there without a sequel — the ones that will be listed are ones I had time with enough in the past to personally talk about.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3

With all of the Infinity War hype, let’s start with a game that NEEDS a third development in its series: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. The original was released in October 2006, with a sequel following in February 2008. 10 years later, and I would still sit down and play a third one. M:UA was an action role-playing game where you got to play as all of the Marvel superheroes, and it was actually good. Gameplay was solid, the story was good and, truthfully, we haven’t had a superhero game like it since. It would also serve as an awesome multiplayer campaign/couch co-op game.

Left 4 Dead 3

The next one is a game that I think everyone could get behind, Left 4 Dead 3. Valve put out two installments in the cooperative first-person zombie shooter genre and they were tremendously fun. I remember spending hours playing this game on the same level just to see different ways I could beat it or hunting down the gnomes all day and burning the witches while they cried in a dark room. Left 4 Dead had some of the best DLC releases and is actually still pretty popular on Steam and PC due to the addition of mods.

Castle Crashers 2

Remember Xbox 360 Arcade? If you do, you probably remember a four player side scroller called Castle Crashers. Where the hell is number 2? The Behemoth delivered a remaster in 2015, but that doesn’t do an arcade game with over 2.6 million downloads justice. The sequel wouldn’t even have to be direct, I could 100% get behind all-new characters and a fresh plot with the same mechanics and style of play. Castle Crashers was critically acclaimed and received very well in all its reviews.

Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake served as an Xbox 360 exclusive during the launch period. Remedy Entertainment saw huge success from the action-horror and it, in my opinion, was an underrated game that a lot of people (including myself) missed. I’ve previously never actually sat down and played through Alan Wake, but a handful of years back a friend of mine was raving about it — I started it (I never finish games, don’t crucify me) and realized that I had really missed out on a 360 gem. We never saw an official sequel come to life, but it seems that whatever Remedy had scrapped together for one got thrown into Quantum Break, their 2016 action adventure-third person shooter game.

Pokémon Snap 2

I recently got into an argument with a friend over an N64 game that she claims was “stupid” and “boring”: Pokémon Snap. If Nintendo released a Pokémon Snap sequel on the Switch, I would be all over it. Pokémon Snap was released in 1999 and put you in a first-person view with a camera. Your objective? Take photos of Pokémon in the wild. It really might not be THAT exciting of a game, but something about trying to capture the rare Pokémon and seeing the Poké-world was exciting. Also, my selfishness decided on this one because of my love for photography and when it’s correctly done in games — this game was one of the first to implement it.

I know there’s plenty of games that need a sequel, and I know that there’s sequels that have been in production for years now that we’re all waiting on. I wanted to keep this list short, personal, and a little different than other lists I’ve seen. I also wanted to leave room for conversation, so let us know what games YOU want a sequel to, or even games that you wish never got a sequel.

