Development Blog: Tools for Following Platform Development

Play2Live Development Blog
2 min readJun 26, 2018

Following a project’s development from inception can be time consuming, so to make our development process more transparent we’ve taken in community feedback and engaged in methods make to our project a bit easier to follow. For instance, we have released our developer’s roadmap allowing users to add their feedback and see the progress we are making on certain goals that have been set by our team. At Play2Live we want to continue to find initiatives that will positively impact our project and make the project easier to understand for the average follower.

One of the questions we’ve received across our communities was regarding the automation of the micro-service source code versioning that was taking place at the current development state. Our team has made a tool based on GitVersion which was deemed accurate and up to par with our expectations. After the implementation, anyone can precisely determine the version of the source code following the so-called semver specification (semantic versioning).

The git log of the commits history is used to store the stat and the content of comments to the commits determines whether the next version is a major, minor or patch. To learn more about how we will be publishing our updates, you can use as a reference.

If one uses branches other than the master, the version would be marked as alpha: thus pull requests produce unique pre-release version numbers. We are using GitFlow so builds off the develop branch increments on every commit. This is known in GitVersion as continuous deployment mode.

This instrument is language and framework agnostic, which means that all technologies stack of P2L can easily be versioned. All together this allows us to make our development process (both front and back) more structured, understandable and literate.

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Play2Live Development Blog

Play2Live is a live streaming platform that utilizes Level Up Coin. Follow Play2Live on Medium to be the first to see development blog updates and LUC news.