P2L Developer: Valeriy Kuzivanov

Play2Live Development Blog
2 min readJul 18, 2018
Despite what his shirt may lead you to believe, Valeriy has never played soccer in his life and is just posing for the World Cup.

Play2Live is excited to introduce Valeriy Kuzivanov as an additional developer. Early in his scholarly career Valeriy went to a technical school for industrial conveyer engineering, later earning a degree in management. We asked Serg to share a little bit about himself as well as his hobbies and interests, apart from building the future of live streaming.

  • Favorite games: Dota 1, WoW, Hearthstone, Rock n ‘Roll Racing, MK3, Dino Crisis 2, Resident Evil 2, voice chat with mothers from Dota 2.
  • Favorite eSports team: Meet Your Makers (Dota).
  • Favorite console: Sega.
  • My favorite movie: 1408.
  • Favorite streamer: Abver.
  • Favorite book: “12 chairs” and “The Golden Calf”
  • Favorite band: Linkin Park.
  • Valeriy is an active kickboxer, judo specialist and swimming enthusiast. When he’s not winning fights against master black-belts, he moonlights as a Master of Sports Candidate in powerlifting.
  • He used to play Dota 1 semi-professionally and used to be a #1 leader in The Kyrgyz Republic. He won multiple Dota tournaments in the Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan.
  • Valeriy’s first experience with coding was putting together a bot for World of Warcraft. He used Python to build his bot.
  • The first program that he was paid for was a script to sending mail to mailchimp. He used PHP to create it.

Stay tuned to Play2Live as Valeriy and the rest of the the Play2Live team work together to create the next generation of video live streaming.

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