Play2Live Project Manager: Nikolay Kurbatov

Play2Live Development Blog
1 min readJul 10, 2018
Nikolay after the photographer said he looked beautiful.

Play2Live is excited to introduce Nikolay Kurbatov as our Project Manager! Nikolay has worked in the role of a project manager and business analyst for a variety of SMB companies for more than 5 years while also having experience with consulting for large enterprises. We asked Nikolay about a few of his favorite hobbies and interests, apart from building the future of live streaming.

  • Nikolay has 5+ years of project management experience;
  • Nikolay completed business courses in London;
  • Nikolay published several articles for Switzerland CRM-blog;
  • Nikolay was a speaker at Stachka 2017 IT Event;
  • Favorite platform — PC
  • Favorite games: Mass Effect series, Deus Ex, The Witcher series, Overwatch;
  • Favorite authors: Steven Hoggins, Carl Sagan;
  • Favorite movies: Cloud Atlas, The Matrix, Contact

Stay tuned to Play2Live as Nikolay and the rest of the the Play2Live team work together to create the next generation of video live streaming.

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