Tokenization in eSports — do mass offerings lower quality?

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3 min readFeb 15, 2018

The success of platforms such as has spawned a new market of live streaming and further generated interest in the development of the eSports industry. With this has come an increase in tokenized and blockchain based platforms for eSports, but has that quantity come at the expense of quality?

With over 650 million people worldwide tuning in for gaming content, there is an undeniable growth and need in the industry for innovation. The advantages of tokenization in eSports are numerous and include protection of all concerned in regards to security and transparency. It also makes increased participation possible on a wider spectrum than ever before. This, however, is not always the case.

While it may seem that more tokenized and blockchain platforms are unequivocally a good thing, the waters are muddied by a variety of offerings that are mere “band-aid” solutions. The primary stumbling block of these current blockchain-based solutions is that each was created to solve a single user issue. It’s the equivalent of patching one leak on a boat and expecting it to stay afloat. Up to now, none of them offer a fully integrated eco-system that satisfies all market participants.

An exception may be on the horizon. Play2Live is a blockchain-based streaming platform for gamers and eSports fans which looks to encompass all key factors. Where Play2Live is unique is that it presents a mixture of interactive features and monetizing tools which are currently not offered on streaming platforms. A brand new streaming platform is offered for gamers with an unprecedented amount of virtual interaction. The diversity of its offerings represent a significant advantage in the ever-expanding market in which it operates. Flexible configurations are tailor-made for different markets taking into account all market-specific regulations and restrictions. First projections estimate 10 million unique users monthly on the platform, with each user having a LUC (Level Up Coin) token crypto wallet. All categories of users will have income generating potential and opportunities.

Not only will there be activity rewards for users, but Play2Live will also have full betting functionality with an integrated totalizer. This, together with channel subscriptions, game offerings by partner services, interactive tasks and crowdfunding for streams make it the ideal platform for advertisers. The scale of both the ecosystem and revenue streams created by Play2Life are impressive. For regular users, there are five ways to earn while streamers have over double the income earning options compared to standard solutions.

Play2Live is an elegant end-to-end solution, providing the speed and transparency of blockchain technology to gamers, eSports fans and streamers. Inevitably once streamers recognize the benefits of this platform and adopt it, a seed audience will follow. With them will follow advertisers and partners.

So, the proliferation of tokenized and streaming blockchain services in eSports is not an entirely positive development. With incomplete solutions presenting themselves daily to all parties, actual innovation may be hindered. Market saturation will, however, be solved by the correct offering being embraced.

Stay tuned!

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Play2Live is a live streaming platform that utilizes Level Up Coin. Follow Play2Live on Medium to be the first to see development blog updates and LUC news.