Play4Privacy — the Ré­su­mé

Thomas Lechner
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018

We would like to update you about our project “Play4Privacy” (P4P) and comment on the “rumors” and comments of dissatisfaction in our Telegram channel lately. This résumé comes months after the project was done — Thank you for bearing with us.

Motivation & goals

Let us take you back to the summer of 2017 when the P4P-project was started. As a collective of blockchain- and privacy-interested programmers, designers, and activists (, we came together to develop a unique project with the following motivations: We wanted to

1. educate the general public and explain how blockchain technology works

2. raise money for two organisations fighting for the important topic of privacy in Europe.

3. build applications on Ethereum

To do so, we partnered with the reputable Museum of Modern Arts in Graz (Kunsthaus Graz) to use their façade to play the Asian strategy game ‘Go’ and generate tokens on a proof-of-play basis. Every evening for an entire month, anybody based in Graz or somewhere in the world, could experience what ‘consensus’, ‘transparent anonymity’ and ‘finality’ means in practice (see our video

According to our mission “Converting people into blockchain-users!” this mechanism helped us reach out to hundreds of people — far beyond the crypto-space — and onboard them as blockchain-users to enter the world of crypto and Ethereum in a playful manner. Even the minister of economic affairs (Government of Austria) played Go and got PLY tokens (see Thus, the project was a big success and was even featured in the local press.

We could use this media coverage to raise 40 Ether to support the two Austrian/European NGOs & noyb (see in our post to even achieve our second goal of supporting companies which fight for the cause of privacy.

The third (internal) goal was to get familiar with Ethereum and build applications on top of it. If you are interested in what we could learn from the project (technically), please read this

Farewell to P4P — but our journey continues (Update and Rumours)

We would like to thank the entire project team which ‘invested’ more than 1,000 hours of their spare time to make Play4Privacy a reality. But we would also like to thank everybody who contributed and played with us. We as a team learnt a lot; we as a community learnt a lot and we think that is the most important part. Together we’ve created something amazing, and the impact of P4P is still ongoing. Play4Privacy created a lot of attention and awareness, not only in the crypto-space but also in the ‘real world’. Our work made a difference and had an impact. While doing that, we as a team and community, set a timestamp in the history of the blockchain which will stay with us forever.

The main vision and mission of our collective has always been and will always be to help shape the transition to a free, fair and educated society. This is what we set out to do long-term.

To help us achieve that goal, we will set Play4Privacy free — make it open source and lay the grounds for you to build upon it. This is an end for us as a team in the project, but the beginning of something truly decentralized. Take the opportunity and build on what we started as an experiment.

PS: We will close our BCT thread and Telegram channel.

