Your feedback is already implemented.

lab10 collective
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2017

Thanks everyone for participating in the first rounds of PLAY yesterday and for all the valuable feedback you shared with us! This really helped us to field-test our gaming application as well as our smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. So, we could identify a few minor bugs that we started to fix immediately! And yes, it was a loooong night for a few of our colleagues…

One part of the team working in the office. A couple of more guys contributing remotely. (not on the photo)

If you join the game tonight, you can already experience the following improvements:

  • You do not need to create a separate wallet after redeeming.
  • The wallet gets stored in your browser cache. You get authenticated every time you play with the same browser.
  • For performance reasons, the token distribution will be done once per day at the same time.
  • If you have opted for email distribution, you should have received an email with the Keystore file in the last hours.
  • Various improvements in the user interface for improved usability.

Play Go and earn PLAY-tokens for every move you make.

