Ascenders’ Log #1

Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2022

While our developers are exploring the land of Ascension to prepare it for your visits in the future, our office transmitter started beeping, whizzing, and (apparently) receiving these weird messages.

Upon further inspection, the realization struck that these transmissions seem to be small Q&A interviews with the development team; shot into space for… future preservation? This first log appears to be from the Head of Studio — Legendary Foundry Games.

Who is this?
Hello? Will here, I’ve been in the games industry since the late nineteen hundreds, working for various companies like Ubisoft and EA. Originally, I was an audio guy, but around the turn of the century I slid sideways into the dark side of production and management.

What got you into games?
It just seemed like a good idea at the time…

What is your role within the Ascenders team?
I’m the Head of Studio, or in better words: a Dev Herder.

Every morning I head out into the meadowlands, past the flowing streams of code, to find the grazing developer herds. Following a quick head count to double check we haven’t lost anyone due to predation from the wolves of bitter disappointment; I’ll tempt them to follow me by gently allowing the aroma of a freshly brewed caffeinated beverage to mingle with the morning breeze.
Slowly, as to not alarm the freshly awakened herd, I lead them to the mystical room of whiteboards, where once assembled into the semblance of an ensemble, the daily ritual of task assignment is performed.

Then, and only then, they drift away into the mist to create the ghostly dreams of game features.

What about your usual day-to-day work?
Updating spreadsheets combined with Dev juggling. Which is made more complicated as the devs I juggle, are also juggling other jugglers, who themselves are juggling jugglers.

Most enjoyable thing within the job?
Solving problems in interesting and efficient ways… or coffee. Maybe solving coffee problems, no wait solving problems with coffee.

Problem solving at its best

What are you looking forward to most with Ascenders?
Watching Ascension come to life, seeing the player driven cities awaken…

Is there something you can’t wait to share with the community?
Oh, there are so many cool things planned… but I’ll let the team tell their own tales.

Any final words of wisdom to share with the community?
Foresight and acumen. 😁




Ascenders is a sci-fantasy, open world action RPG with a fully decentralized, player driven economy. Useful links: