Ascenders’ Log #5

Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2022

What is that? A new transmission came in! As we’ve experience some radio silence, the office transmitter appeared to be broken.. However, this one luckily came through! This time’s transmission is from one of our Producers; Zippy.

Who is this?

I’m Zippy McBaldylocks, a 27 years old Dutch guy who is also bald.

What got you into games?

I’ve played games as early as the Nintendo 64 came out. Loved Donkey Kong 64. Always liked the single-player experiences within games. When done right, you get fully immersed! Which is what I wanted to make!

What is your role within the Ascenders team?

I’m a producer. It is my job to make sure that we are all on one line and that whenever there is a decision made, we stick to it. I also make sure that we have donuts…. hmmmm donuts.

Most enjoyable thing within the job?

Within Studio Red we have an amazing team that brings so much expertise and views on game development that I can learn so much. Everyone is highly motivated to get the best out of this game and to push the boundaries. Which is really enjoyable to see come to fruition.

What are you looking forward to most with Ascenders?

Proving that Web3 and games can work hand in hand on a AAA scale in which everyone can participate in a global economy.

Is there something you can’t wait to share with the community?

I’m really stoked to show the community what we will have in store in shear scale for the environments. Pretty hyped!

Any final words of wisdom?

In case you missed it, we had an amazing podcast on our city tool. Check it back here.

City tool sneak peek




Ascenders is a sci-fantasy, open world action RPG with a fully decentralized, player driven economy. Useful links: