Ascenders’ Log #6

Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2022

We are glad to see that our office transmitter is up and running again! Today’s transmission is from a department we haven’t heard from yet, but we reckon you’re surely interested in; Art🎨.

It is from our Senior Environment Artist: Max.

Who is this?

Hello! I’m Max, 25 years old and from the Netherlands.

What got you into games?

I grew up in a family of artists and from a young age I’ve been passionate about games. It made sense to combine the two.

What is your role within the Ascenders team?

My job is to create environments and to realize all the cool and crazy stuff the designers and concept artists come up with for the world of Ascenders.

What about your usual day-to-day work?

My usual day to day involves a lot of talking with people, researching loads of stuff and making environments for the game.

Most enjoyable thing within the job?

Making a game involves a lot of problem solving and it feels like a giant puzzle sometimes. The ‘aha’ moment when you finally solve a piece of the puzzle is what I really like about the job. That and making epic shit.

What are you looking forward to most with Ascenders?

Exploring the vast open world and finding out the secrets and history of the planet ;).

Is there something you can’t wait to share with the community?

Any final words of wisdom?

Carpe diem.




Ascenders is a sci-fantasy, open world action RPG with a fully decentralized, player driven economy. Useful links: