Genesis Season Lore: The Unspoken Backstory — Rise of the Shadows

THE UNSPOKEN exist in the shadows, their creed unknown even to the highest ranking MetaMasons.

What is clear is that they have existed since the beginning, protecting their arcane knowledge with an iron fist.

It is expected that the first cracks in their centuries-long stronghold will be visible in the harsh sun of Trinity West, and their true powers — or the lies existing at their core — will be revealed.

Backstory — Rise of the Shadows

Millennia ago, as the founding Meta Masons first gathered to both share and guard their hard-won knowledge of the Dark Shards, a single member pulled away.

Over the centuries she went by many names — Athena, Cassandra, the Oracle. Some believe the Dark Shards gifted her the power of foresight. Others believe she is cursed to utter fallacies.

Intuitively, she understood something the others didn’t: The Dark Shards could provide nearly limitless destructive power, but they could also provide something much, much more. It was this access to arcana and knowledge that she sought, and she gathered a few devoted acolytes around her before going into deep hiding.

For a thousand years, The Unspoken, as they came to be called, existed on the faint fringes of power, infiltrating enclaves of poor and rich alike. Their sole focus was understanding the Dark Shards beyond their explosive potential, seeing them as mysteries to be unlocked. And slowly… those doors opened.

The Dark Shards provided keys to the very fabric of the universe, a way to decode reality itself. Their existence unknown to all but a few of the top Meta Masons, The Unspoken recruited from all sections of society, carefully initiating the most curious, and those with the most specialized skills.

By the time the meteor struck Earth, what had started with the intuition of one woman had become one of the most elite factions ever formed… but one laser-focused on knowledge instead of power, evolution instead of domination. Through a constant focus on the future, the group had accumulated vast swathes of influence, and quickly recognized they would have to fight for survival on the research station… and wherever they eventually landed.

And so, for the first time, they began to come out of the shadows, leveraging their long-gestating contacts, carefully unveiling their fanaticism to the world. Their depth of knowledge, carefully passed down from mentor to student over generations, shocked the Meta Masons, who instantly clamored for access to this deep arcana.

The Unspoken became bogeymen, everyone and no one, possessing skills heretofore unseen. Rumors abounded of their dark power, their collective hivemind, their ability to read thoughts.

The Meta Masons had been sloppy with their knowledge of the Dark Shards’ destructive power. The Unspoken had been very, very careful with their knowledge of the Dark Shards’ ability to influence human development. And so, the die was cast. New weapons were molded, new levels of consciousness were reached… and the long battle began.



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