Genesis Season Lore: Yami Gang Backstory — Eternal Dynasty

THE YAMI GANG, old money personified, built their power from the chaos and death of World War II, leveraging the connections and ruthlessness of the Japanese Yakuza. For decades, they were the dominant purveyor of advanced nuclear weaponry, raking in money from every country with aspirations of dominance.

Little did they know that Black Meta was pushing them into irrelevance by providing far more lethality in much smaller packages.

Backstory — Eternal Dynasty

Chainsmoking, boisterous, and entitled, The Yami Gang were inarguably the most dominant faction on the planet… that is, before the meteor upended the entire social order. Arising from the ashes of the Yakuza following Japan’s defeat in World War II, the Yami Gang developed one extremely valuable skillset — manipulating markets and bullying chumps into taking bad deals.

In the latter half of the 20th century, they doubled their money… then doubled it again… and again. Soon, they stretched beyond the island borders of Japan, poking their fat fingers into every conceivable global market. Sex, drugs, booze, stocks, cryptocurrency, they were the hidden whales manipulating every price movement, always. And as their bank accounts grew, so did their complacency… not to mention their BMI.

Without access to the Dark Shards, they had no forewarning of the meteor strike, and were left scrambling, leaving behind towering piles of now-worthless cash as they scooped what they could carry and made for the last ship leaving Earth.

There, they made a deal with the Meta Masons, offering their unique skills (protection and bargaining) in exchange for safe passage and a few fragments of Dark Shards. One would think they would be nothing more than dead weight, useless cargo on such a craft… but that would be to underestimate their power and foresight.

With instincts honed by decades of sheer dominance, the Yami Gang quickly took over a small section of the research station and plotted their next moves. The path was clear: They would be the purveyors of sin, controlling every illicit deal of liquor, drugs, and weapons.

They would broker the trades, skim massive profits, hire the strongest bodyguards, and slowly rebuild their power. They’d taken over an entire planet in a few short decades… certainly they could do it again here. By the time the ship arrived wherever it was going, they would be comfortably atop the food chain.

Soon, their instantly recognizable tattoos made other crew members cower on sight, and they began flexing their influence in the basic commodities of existence — food, water, even air itself. Not content with those “addictions,” they made it their mission to hook members of every competing faction on as many substances as possible, keeping their enemies firmly in their thrall.

They recruited Waifus for covert information, they glad-handed assassins, they manipulated Black Market Dealers, and carefully, they began to rebuild their empire.

Slowly, the Yami Gang began to relax. The future was looking very bright indeed.



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